-Caveat Lector-


              Deadliest Ally
              Jeff Elkins
              would your reaction be if our oldest ally, Great Britain, attacked
              a lightly armed US military vessel with overwhelming force: a stunning

              array of jet fighters, bombs, missiles, machine gun fire and
              And further, once the ship was nearly sinking, attacked lifeboats
              in the water, spraying them with a hail of deadly fire from attack
              boats and strafing runs by jets?
              would your reaction be to a final butcher’s bill of 34 US sailors
              dead and 171 grievously wounded? Would Americans of an earlier era
              have filled the coffers of Great Britain with treasure as a reward
              for such a perfidious act?
              would your reaction be if you were told that such an attack was
              not carried out by Great Britain, but by our staunchest ally Israel,
              supposedly the only democracy in the Middle East?
              this is not fiction. Rather than being the plot line of a Tom Clancy
technothriller it’s a very real piece of horrific military history
              from the 1967 Middle East war.
              June 8th of 1967, the U.S.S.
              Liberty was patrolling a few miles off the Sinai peninsula.
              It was tasked with gathering information regarding Soviet troops
              and technology in use by Egypt, at that time a client state of the
              U.S.S.R. This was not a furtive mission, carried out by some 
              intruder. The Liberty, commanded by Captain William Loren McGonagle,
              was clearly in international waters and clearly marked as a US flag
              ship, prominently flying Old Glory from its mast.
              was the fourth day of the "Six Day War", when Israel had
              decidedly won the conflict and was engaged in driving its enemies
              from Israeli borders and occupying Arab territory as spoils of war.
              At this point, Israel had virtually no air opposition and had never
              faced any significant naval forces. They were in total control of
              the Sinai peninsula.
              Israeli military jet fighters circled closer and closer to the Liberty. 
Close enough that the crew on deck could see the Star of David markings
              on the jets and exchange waves with the Israeli pilots. Liberty
              radio operators intercepted transmissions from the circling warplanes
              where the identity of the US ship was discussed, confirmed and radioed
              back to military controllers in Tel Aviv.
              1400, the Israelis struck! A simultaneous attack by a flight of
              fighter jets streaking from Tel Aviv and torpedo boats racing from
              over the horizon plunged the Liberty into a withering barrage of
              rockets, cannon fire, machine gun fire and torpedoes. Stunned and
              defenseless, the Liberty’s only hope was support from the Sixth
              Fleet, located in the Mediterranean, 30 minutes away by jet. But
              the Israeli Mirage jet fighters had apparently successfully
              disabled the Liberty’s radios.
              through the attack, heroic Liberty sailors managed to establish
              emergency communications with Sixth Fleet flagship, U.S.S. America.
              The America launched F4 Phantoms to race to the Liberty’s defense,
              but amazingly, Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara ordered
              the rescue canceled. The American fighter jets were ordered to land
              and the Liberty and its men were left to die off the Sinai peninsula.
              Captain McGonagle and his crew were able to recover our wounded sailors 
from the warm and bloody waters of the Sinai and somehow
              during a period when the Israeli attack paused, move the stricken
              Liberty back towards the protective arms of the Sixth Fleet. Captain
              McGonagle later received the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor for
              his actions during this dastardly and cowardly attack.
              questions remain:
                  did the Israelis attack? Why did a putative ally of the United
                  States perpetrate such a horrendous attack on a lightly armed
                  US intelligence ship that posed no threat?
                  did Viet Nam war criminal, Secretary of Defense, Robert S. McNamara 
order the rescue canceled?
                  did the Johnson administration cover the attack up?
              to why the Israelis attacked, shocking new allegations have emerged.
James Bamford, an investigative journalist and a former producer
              with ABC News, in his book Body
              of Secrets, claims that the Israelis were attempting to
              cover up a war crime – the massacre over 400 Egyptian P.O.W.’s at
              the Sinai town of El Arish. Israel may well have thought the Liberty
              had gained Sigint (signal intelligence) proving Israeli military
              forces guilty of this bloody deed. Sadly, given Israeli military
              doctrine and practices against the Palestinians, these allegations are 
only too easy to believe.
              two and three probably have the same answer. The so-called "Amen 
Corner", the powerful Israeli lobby that wields enormous power
              to this day in the halls of Congress and the Executive Branch and
              notably in the American print and broadcast media.
              the story of the U.S.S.
              Liberty has never been widely disseminated. Had such an attack
              been perpetrated by any other country, especially a country widely 
regarded as a respected ally, it would have resulted in the
              gravest of consequences…perhaps even war. Given this past atrocity
              and the current Israeli policy against stone-throwing Palestinian
              children, it’s amazing that we still give billions of dollars in
              foreign aid to Israel yearly and make ourselves targets for the rising 
tides of Islamic nationalists worldwide.
              tell your friends about the Liberty and let’s hope that our new 
administration pursues an even-handed foreign policy as espoused
              by our Founding Fathers.
              19, 2001
              Elkins [send him mail]
              is a freelance consultant and writer  living in North Central Florida.

              His personal website is located at www.elkins.org.
              © 2001 LewRockwell.com




Israel's military faces
cash flow crisis

Monday, May 21, 2001
TEL AVIV — Israel's military is pressing for an immediate infusion of up to $1
billion to help finance the nearly eight-month-old war against
the Palestinians.
Defense officials said a shortfall in funding that stems from a failure
by the United States to honor pledges for additional aid has forced the
Israeli military to demand a budget increase. The effort is being led by
Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Shaul
Mofaz, Middle East Newsline reported.
Mofaz said the military has numerous expenses stemming from the conflict
with the Palestinians. The general told a parliamentary panel this week that
he has not halted buying supplies and weapons despite a shortfall in funds.
A key problem for the military has been the failure by the United States
to honor the pledge of former President Bill Clinton to relay $450 million in
defense aid to Israel. The
money was promised to compensate for expenses associated with Israel's withdrawal
from Lebanon and for other concessions made by former Prime Minister Ehud Barak
during U.S.-sponsored negotiations with Yasser Arafat. The aid was subsequently
blocked by Congress.
[See: Barak's political marriage with Clinton is on the rocks]
The Defense Ministry — which received an increase of more than $200
million over the last year — wants up to a $750 million increase over the
next year. Finance Minister Silvan Shalom is prepared to provide about half
of the request.
Israeli police and security forces are pressing for an increase in funding.
Officials said the request is for an increase of about $125 million.
On Sunday, Israel's Cabinet was scheduled to discuss a plan to cut more
than $1 billion to help fund the increase for the military and police. The
casualties would be social welfare programs.


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox & Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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