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The Shadows of Power : The Council on Foreign Relations and the American
by James Perloff

Our Price: $10.95

Paperback - 264 pages (November 1, 1988)
American Opinion Books;  ISBN: 0882791346

Editorial Reviews
Book Description
James Perloff exposes the subversive roots and global designs of the CFR.
Passed off as a think-tank, this group is a key "power behind the throne,"
with hundreds of top-appointed government officials drawn from its ranks.
Traces activity from the Wilson to Reagan administrations.
>From the Back Cover
Does America have a hidden oligarchy? Is U.S. foreign policy run by a closed
shop? What is the Council on Foreign Relations? It began in 1921 as a front
organization for J.P. Morgan and Company. By World War II it had acquired
unrivaled influence on American foreign policy. Hundreds of U.S. government
administrators and diplomats have been drawn from its ranks - regardless of
which party has occupied the White House. But what does the Council on
Foreign Relations stand for? Why do the... read more


 Wake-up America, March 2, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from USA
This book could be titled " Suppressed American History of the 20th Century."
Perloff traces the history of the American Establishment, through its
political arm, the Council on Foreign Relations. The aims of the CFR and the
Establishment are clear - a World Government, removal of the Constitution and
Bill of Rights. What is more frightening is the Establishment control of the
media and education. Please read this book! You will never watch the news the
same way again.

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3 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

 My... [EMAIL PROTECTED], February 23, 2001
Reviewer: Sean F (see more about me)  from Austin, Texas
For any one who remotly cares about America, read this book, stop supporting:
the UN, DNC, RNC, WTO, and countless others. In the back of the book there is
a CFR list from 1993, I believe, so you can see which famous persons are in
the CFR. Remember, the CFR is to destroy national sovernignty.
www.getusout.org join thr JBS www.jbs.com James does a better job than I
could ever do to explain this emergency!

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11 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

 Necessary Reading, Regardless of Your Political Sympathies, February 6, 2001
Reviewer: A reader from Devon, PA
No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, you will never look
at things the same way again after you read this book. Never again will you
have blind confidence in any of our leaders, let alone in the UN, NATO, WTO,
IMF, or other such internationalist outfits.
Although the book stops in 1988, reading it (which is a quick, albeit
shocking, process) will allow you to draw the proper conclusions and apply
them to the present. The power elite fell out of love with Soviet Russia
sometime around 1980-85, because 70 years of socialism in a heterogeneous,
traditionally non-commercial country had finally brought that situation to
the logical conclusion so accurately foreseen by Ludwig von Mises in 1922
(see _Socialism_ by that author). Thus the present elitist lovefest with Red
China - which is Communist in name only, and is everything that Russia never
was (commercially inclined, and ethnically and culturally homogeneous).
As a result, the Soviet government was allowed to die a well-deserved death,
but not before elitists like President George H.W. Bush actually tried to
convince the captive nations of the Soviet empire (specifically Ukraine and
the Baltic States) to remain loyal to the concept of union with Moscow. This
he did even AFTER the collapse of the August 1991 coup, up until the very eve
of the establishment of the CIS on December 8, 1991 and the final dissolution
of the so-called USSR.
Today the subversion process takes on a new form, with fifteen nations
instead of one - one step backward, in the hopes of taking two steps forward
at a later date. Very Leninistic. Now the prospective empire is the European
Union, an entity with a centralizing government in Brussels, its own army
(NATO), its own central bank and currency (the Euro), and its own court (The
Hague) - and yet it has no constitution subordinating any of these
institutions to responsible civilian rule. See a potential problem there?
Reading this book helps to explain why so many "former" Communists - such as
Mikhail Gorbachev, Jane Fonda, and Joschka Fischer - have readily converted to
 the militant environmental movement and its pagan ethos. The Green tree has
Red roots. Both the socialist and environmentalist movements offer their
disturbed adherents a false messiah. Communism substitutes the Second Coming
for the Social Revolution. The Greens offer Mother Earth (a creation, and
thus an idol) in the place of God the Father and Civitas Dei. Always the
message put to the people by the empire builders is the same: "It's an
emergency! The world is in danger! Give us power to deal with it or you will
all die!" That's how it happened in Berlin after the Reichstag fire in 1933:
A staged emergency, followed by calls for dictatorial "emergency rule." In
the case of Nazi Germany and its Enabling Act, we all know how that adventure
turned out.
The rank and file socialists and environmentalists (such as the Naderites and
the idiot protestors at both party conventions in August 2000) are too stupid
to even realize that they are puppets in the hands of the "rich" they think
they are fighting. As Gerald Kirk, a former member of the SDS, Black Panthers
and Communist Party USA pointed out in Congressional testimony in 1969:
"Young people have no conception of the conspiracy's strategy of pressure
from above and pressure from below....They have no idea that they are playing
into the hands of the Establishment they claim to hate. The radicals think
they're fighting the forces of the super rich, like Rockefeller and Ford, and
they don't realize that it is precisely such forces which are behind their
own revolution, financing it, and using it for their own purposes..."
However, while this book is incredibly enlightening, I must offer readers one
note of caution - do not fall into the trap of believing that the leaders of
the United States from 1789-1912 were perfect Americans, and then the Money
Trust subversion of our government suddenly began with the election of
Woodrow Wilson. God bless America - but remember that secret societies and
freemasons played a prominent role in her founding from the very beginning.
The struggle we are involved in goes at least as far back as 1517, and in
reality all the way back to time immemorial, the struggle between good versus
evil, heaven versus hell, and the glory of God versus the arrogance of man.

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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:

 Do You Know Who Runs America? Think Again!, January 15, 2001
Reviewer: supplysider (see more about me)  from Germantown, MD USA
The people we vote into office are the ones who govern us, right? We are a
constitutional republic, right? We are a representative democracy, right? If
you think so, think again. For many years, an idea has circulated that what
we see is not necessarily what we are getting; that there may be a "man
behind the curtain" running the show. In this book, James Perloff reveals who
that "man" may be ... or more accurately whom the men and women are who
really run the show. Before reading this book, I often scoffed at the
conspiracists who railed against the invisible forces of the "Shadow
Government." However, I am no longer certain that my doubts are well founded.
In this book, Perloff makes a well-documented case that suggests an
undercurrent to abolish the nation/state (national sovereignty) and to
replace it with one-world-government New World Order. Those responsible for
creating and maintaining the undercurrent are members of the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Members of these
organizations have had a disproportionate representation in places of power
over the last sixty years. When one understands the philosophy and goals of
these organizations, many seemingly disjoint events of American history begin
to make sense. No American should take this subject lightly. Every American
has a responsibility to inform themselves on such matters. I recommend that
they do so by reading this book.

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Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
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