It's a tragedy that he lost his wife so senslessly, however, he must also be thinking about what started that whole mess, which was his involvement in breaking a law at at time when the government was "Militia Crazy".  I don't know the circumstances, but it seems to me that these types of things don't happen to people that frefrain from going around selling sawed off shotguns...still no reason for someone to get shot, but nevertheless he is just as responsible for kicking off this mess as anyone. My two cents.

Ruby Ridge figure discusses McVeigh 

By MICHAEL JAMISON Of the Missoulian

KALISPELL — Randy Weaver’s heart sank as he listened to reports of Timothy McVeigh’s execution.

It sank, he said, just as it did when he saw the first grisly images of wreckage littering Oklahoma City. It sank as it did when he learned that his own deadly standoff with federal agents had ignited a fuse in McVeigh’ s mind, leading, in part, to the explosion that killed 168 people.

“I can sympathize with McVeigh,” Weaver said Tuesday from his home in Jefferson, Iowa. “I can sympathize with those folk who lost relatives in Oklahoma City, too. Everybody’ s killing everybody. I sympathize with everybody.”

Everybody, that is, except the ones he calls “rogue federal agents who continue to act above and beyond the law.”

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