-Caveat Lector-

Condit passed polygraph, lawyers to announce

July 13, 2001 Posted: 4:36 PM EDT (2036 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- California Rep. Gary Condit's lawyers planned to
announce Friday that the congressman has taken and passed a polygraph test
in the disappearance of former intern Chandra Levy, CNN has learned.

No details of how the test was administered or what questions were asked
were immediately available.

Condit's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, planned an afternoon news conference to
discuss the results.

The California Democrat has been a focus of attention due to reports he had
an affair with the former federal Bureau of Prisons intern. News of the
lie-detector test came as as police renewed a search of abandoned buildings
in northwest Washington on Friday in an intensified effort to find Levy,
who was last seen April 30.

Washington Police Chief Charles Ramsey said his department would distribute
computer-generated pictures of Levy designed to show how she would look if
she had altered her appearance by changing her hair style or color.

Investigators planned to question some members of Condit's staff for a
second time, a law enforcement source said, but the time and location for
the interviews was unclear.

Ramsey offered a broadened view of operational police theories to explain
Levy's disappearance: foul play, runaway, lost and suffering amnesia,
suicide -- a possibility he had seemed to all but rule out earlier.

The young woman's mother, Susan Levy, said she strongly doubted her
daughter would commit suicide or become despondent over the possible
breakup of her relationship with Condit.

"I don't think she would harm herself. I have given her the reality of how
valued life is," Susan Levy said in a taping for the "America's Most
Wanted" television show scheduled to air Saturday night. "I think she could
have been saddened, but she would go on because she knew she had a future."

Susan Levy, whose Modesto, California, home is under 24-hour surveillance
by local sheriff's deputies, has said it was important for Democratic
lawmaker Condit to be forthcoming about what he knows of her daughter
during the days prior to April 30, when she was last reported seen.

"I'm not out to hurt anybody's political causes or anything like that. I am
just -- my husband and I -- are just, we're parents who want our daughter
home," she said.

Another California Democrat, Sen. Barbara Boxer, echoed the sentiment.

"Congressman Condit must put aside any considerations for himself and tell
all he knows about this case to law enforcement authorities without further
delay," she said. "He needs to be truthful and forthcoming with the
authorities to help them find Chandra and the authorities must get to the
bottom of this disappearance."

On Capitol Hill, Rep. Bob Barr, R-Georgia, became the first member of
Congress to call on Condit to resign, charging his House colleague has
"obstructed an ongoing police investigation."

"I believe he should resign rather than bring further discredit on the
House of Representatives," Barr said.

The conservative Barr was joined by the liberal magazine The New Republic,
which declared in an editorial that "Condit's fitness for public office
does not depend on the answers" in the Levy case.

"The first, precious days after a disappearance offer police and family
members their best chance to find a missing person; after that, the trail
usually goes cold," the magazine's editors wrote. "And those early days
were partly wasted because Representative Gary Condit cared more about his
political career than about the life of a woman he supposedly considered a
'good friend.' "

But House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, D-Missouri, urged Condit's critics
to hold off.

"I think it's inappropriate to draw judgments and make conclusions on what
may or may not be the facts," he said. "I think all of that will come in an
appropriate time."

Police searched a total of 19 abandoned buildings -- using cadaver dogs in
some cases -- by the end of the day Thursday, but no clues were found.

The search was concentrated in an area near the apartments of Levy and
Condit, who lived about a dozen blocks apart, and is expected to cover a
total of 80 buildings before it is finished.

The 24-year-old former intern was last reported seen at a Washington gym.
She had packed her bags and told her family she was coming home.

There was still no word on when or if the 53-year-old married Condit would
undergo a polygraph test.

Word of a romantic relationship between Levy and the congressman came from
Levy's aunt, who said the young woman spoke of the affair. In his third
interview with investigators, Condit himself confirmed the intimate
relationship, police sources said.

Publicly, Condit has said only that they were "good friends."

Ramsey said police were trying to reach an arrangement with Condit's
attorney, Abbe Lowell, on how a lie detector test might be administered and
its scope.

Federal prosecutors considered launching a criminal investigation into
whether the congressman obstructed justice by allegedly asking another
woman who claimed to be his lover to lie about their relationship.

That woman, flight attendant Anne Marie Smith, said last week that Condit
asked her to lie to authorities about their alleged affair by signing an
affidavit saying they never had a romantic relationship. Condit responded
with a statement denying he asked anyone to mislead authorities.

                      Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

          FROM THE DESK OF:

                    *Michael Spitzer*    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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