Shades of Gideon  here is part of it........Gideon Bible Zionists
passing themselves off a Christians?

Wondered about this Mason in the Gideon Bible Society, but then it is
still a free country.

So how about Christian Islam Party for they got us outnumbered?   And
from what I see there is something we do not see at work here.

Hail Zionism?


Creating the Bible Zionist Party
by Victor Mordecai
The recent firebombings of the Ya'ar Ramot Conservative Masorti
synagogue in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem and the messianic
congregation in Maale Adumim are not the first, nor probably the last,
attacks on houses of worship by fanatic vandals. It is fair to assume
and hope that police will indeed apprehend the criminals.
But I think that beyond the acts of fringe elements, there is an
underlying malaise in Israel regarding independent thinkers and
believers. Israel plays, or at least it should be playing, a very
special central role for all the different types of Jewish and Christian
people. Yet, there are Jewish and Christian groups in Israel that are
disenfranchised, meaning, they have no political representation and are
therefore "outside of the Pale."
In Judaism, this refers mainly to the Conservative (Masorti) movement,
as well as the Reform trend in Judaism. In Christianity, there are
different groups which are under attack at worst or disenfranchised at
best. Under attack, for example, are those known as the "messianics."
These groups are mainly under attack from the Jewish side, while
Christian Arabs are under attack from the Islamic side. At the same
time, there are now new immigrants from the former Soviet Union and
Ethiopia who serve in the Israeli army, pay their taxes, and vote. Yet,
even though Christians make up about six percent of Israel's population
today, there is not even one Christian MK, while there are 11 Moslem
members of Knesset. Whereas the Moslems mostly do not serve in the
Israeli army and seek changing Israel from a Jewish state into an
Islamic or at least secular state, Christians do serve and are part and
parcel of the Jewish nuclear family. Jews and Christians share the same
God, Bible, and the messiah is a Jew who speaks Hebrew for both Jews and
Christians. We share the same roots. We share the same destiny. Most
Christians in Israel are Zionist. There are even evangelical Christians
from the US and worldwide who have been living in Israel for decades and
their children have served in the IDF. Yet there is not even one
Christian MK.
Neither Conservative nor Reform Jews have any representation in the
Knesset, because total membership in these two organizations barely
reach enough votes to land even one MK. These two movements represent
about 60 percent of American Jewry. These two movements based their
political dreams on siding with the Meretz and Labor parties. I believe
this was a grave mistake, because it alienated most Jews from middle
eastern or east european origins.
Today, according to polls in Israel, 60 percent of the Jewish people
light candles on the Sabbath and fast on Yom Kippur. Yet, those people
voting for the ultra-orthodox parties total only 25 percent of the
Jewish population. Clearly, 35 percent of Israel's Jewish population is
not ultra-orthodox yet love and serve God. But they do not find
themselves represented by the ultra-orthodox parties.
At the same time, Israel's four main political blocs are not the answer.
The Moslems are anti-Zionist and do not serve in the IDF. The
ultra-orthodox are anti-Zionist and do not serve in the IDF. The Labor
and Meretz parties are anti-Bible and anti-religious parties by their
socialist nature. And the Likud, which was my party for the first 51
years of my life, basically no longer really has any ideology left at
I think that the answer to the firebombings of houses of God's worship
lies in the creation of a new political party in Israel. This party
would include all those who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the "Tanach" or Hebrew Bible, who are Zionists, serve in the IDF,
pay taxes in Israel, and vote. This covers all Israelis, Sabras and
immigrants, Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, Orthodox, Conservative and
Reform Jews, Arab Christians, Russian, Ukrainian and Ethiopian immigrant
Christian, "born-agains" who have been living in Israel for decades with
children in the IDK, and even though I am not a messianic or a
Christian, I believe the messianics should be included.
In my new book, Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat and Christian Revival
for Israel's Survival, I review Islamic plans for the destruction of the
Jews and Christian in Israel. Five million Jews cannot withstand the
inevitable onslaught of over a billion Moslems. We Jews need the
Christians, all Christians, on board in our war for survival. I think
that a Judeo-Christian Bible Zionist Party is the answer. I think that
true democracy will be better served. Without this party, there will be
division. Many Jews and Christians in Israel will be disenfranchised.
God, Israel,and democracy will be better served by the Bible Zionist

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