-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Security's double-edged sword



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

The Book of Proverbs 16:25 warns, "There is a way that seems right unto a
man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." As I watched the attorney
general testify before the House Judiciary Committee, that proverb kept
replaying itself in an endless loop in my head.

While I listened to John Ashcroft outline the draconian measures required by
law enforcement to combat terror, I couldn't help but think that the
terrorists had already won a major victory. Ashcroft urged the Congress to
pass the proposed measures quickly, saying, "The American people do not have
the luxury of time."

The measures sought by the administration are far-reaching indeed. The
Justice Department wants to be able to operate in secret – secret court
orders, secret wiretaps, secret detentions, secret access to Internet users'
e-mails – secret police.

And despite what all this secrecy means to American civil liberties, one
cannot see how we can win the war against terrorism without it.

It is more than just a victory for the terrorists. It's a victory for the
spirit of terrorism, the Evil One that secular America is forced by
circumstance to acknowledge after decades of denial. A quarter century ago, I
wrote a book entitled "Satan is Alive and Well on Planet Earth."

A quarter century later, America sees his face in clouds of smoke, sees his
fingerprints all over New York and Washington and has decided to take him on
in open combat.

But secular America, embodied in our government, is woefully under-equipped
for battle in this realm. It is mind boggling to see how much Satan has
accomplished through the terrible tragedies of September 11th.

Consider the various national church services. Efforts to portray "pure
Islam" as a "religion of peace" abound. The Koran is the source of "pure
Islam," yet it teaches:

So when the sacred months have passed away, then SLAY THE IDOLATERS wherever

Sura [9.5]

The inter-faith movement that is springing up across America is both good,
and bad. Certainly, it has filled churches and many have come to Christ. Just
as certainly, it has filled stadiums with people of many religions who reject
Jesus Christ as the one way to God – which raises the inescapable question
for true Christians, "How do we compromise on the most basic and central
teaching of the Lord Jesus Himself?"

Jesus commanded, "I am the way, the truth and the life: No man comes to the
Father but by Me." He is not a way and He is not a truth.

The world will soon consider Christians who take a stand on this foundational
truth to be "against unity and world peace" – just as they did in the Roman
Coliseum at the beginning of Christianity.

The September 11th attack has begun what appears to be an endless series of
dichotomies. Fundamental Islam is bad, while liberal Islam (the kind that
doesn't take "slay the idolaters" [i.e., Christians and Jews] literally), is

But what does that say about fundamental Christians who take the Bible as the
infallible Word of God vs. the liberal Christians who say the Bible contains
the Word of God?

It is a major point. To illustrate this point, this column quotes Scripture,
so it contains the Word of God. But the rest is my admittedly fallible
opinion. Many liberal "Christian Theologians" believe the Bible is filled
with error.

The September 11th attack and its resulting call to religious unity is a
two-edged sword. As it cuts one way, many people will come to Christ and
eternal life. Swung back the other way, it cuts the ground from under
Christianity by forcing America into an ecumenical box of religious unity at
the expense of Christianity's foundational truth.

Politically, our nation is trying to find a way to abolish the Constitution
in deed, while acknowledging it in word. The First Amendment guarantee that
"Congress will not prohibit the free exercise of religion" will be diluted by
every congressional effort to protect America from radical Islamic terrorism.
Yet there is no clear alternative. The same two-edged sword that cuts down
fundamental Islam will cut down fundamental Christianity on its back swing.
It appears that the devil has America on the horns of a dilemma.



Hal Lindsey is the best-selling author of 20 books, including "Late Great
Planet Earth." He writes this weekly column exclusively for WorldNetDaily and
maintains a website where he provides up-to-the-minute analysis of today's
world events in the light of ancient prophecies.

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