La Voz de Aztlan

Anthrax Terrorists may be Zionists
by Hector Carreon

Los Angeles, Alta California - October 9, 2001 (ACN) - On Monday July 9, 2001, we received a handwritten letter in our mail box addressed to the publisher of La Voz de Aztlan. The letter had no return address but had a July 5, 2001 U.S. postal mark from Santa Clarita, California. July 5, 2001 was on the week that the second largest Jewish publication in the United States, the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published a very negative article about our publication because we had written a series of pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist editorials. The one page letter contained a small amount of a yellowish white substance and the text of the letter alluded to the fact that Jews had an illustrious history in biological research that included the development of the Salk vaccine. The letter ended with "Unfortunately, if Hitler was alive today he would pin a medal on you. Unfortunately during World War II the Arabs also supported Hitler. Racism and hatred destroy!"

A few minutes after opening and reading the letter, I started sneezing and coughing and became ill with flu like symptoms. I connected the commencement of the symptoms with the suspicious white substance in the envelope and proceeded to place the letter and envelope in a plastic zip lock bag. Within hours I was able to see my doctor and he put me on 30 days of antibiotics. I have had recurring flu like symptoms ever since.

A few days ago a similar situation occurred in Boca Raton, Florida where, according to news reports, a letter was sent to the offices of a news service with a white soapy substance that killed at least one person. Another person in the office tested positive for Anthrax spores in his nostrils. The laboratory engineered Anthrax spores came in the mail in an envelope that included a "Star of David" charm according to an Associated Press news article released today. The FBI is presently conducting an investigation and very little information has been released concerning this case.

Everyone is assuming that Islamic terrorists are to blame for the Boca Raton Anthrax incident. We believe that the terrorists are actually Zionists. The reason is that we have just experienced a second act of terrorism that has compelled us to open an investigation with our local police department. On September 27, 2001 we received an e-mail with a message to shut down our website within 48 hours because of our anti-Zionist content or face the consequences. At first we dismissed the threat as another crackpot because we receive many run of the mill threats weekly. The next day, however, I personally received a second threat and this time the person gave my correct home address and said that he will be making a visit soon if we did not shut down our website. On September 29 the person with a e-mail address sent another e-mail saying that he knew every step I made and that he has been close to me already without me even knowing. A few days ago this same person sent a recent photograph of myself as an e-mail attachment in "gif" format taken with a telephoto lens. This last act led us to take this threat seriously and we have now met with the Whittier Police Department. A case file has been opened and Detective Rivera has been assigned to the investigation. Tomorrow, October 10, 2001 we will turn over the sealed "letter and envelope" we received on July 9, 2001 for a viral/bacterial analysis.

Both incidents of terrorism against La Voz de Aztlan have been from Zionists. The envelope sent to the Boca Raton news service with the "Star of David" charm appears to also come from Zionists. They, the Zionists, want to silence us because they do not like what we write. Everyone is assuming that the dangers we face is from Islamic terrorists, but our experience has been different. We fear Zionist terrorists more. They have been trying to take away our constitutional right of freedom of political expression through acts of terrorism. They are utilizing acts of intimidation to try to silence and shut down La Voz de Aztlan.

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