-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Lebanese Christians charged with contacting Israel
By The Associated Press

BEIRUT, Lebanon - A military prosecutor today charged three Lebanese
Christians with contacting Israel and meeting officials from the Jewish
state, crimes punishable by death.

Military prosecutor Abdullah al-Haj also charged the men with harming
Lebanon's relations with Syria.

Those charged were journalist Antoine Bassil; a senior official of the
disband Lebanese Forces group, Toufic Hindy; and Ghassan Touma, one of the
group's security chiefs during Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war.

The Lebanese Forces was banned in 1994 and its leader Samir Geagea has been
in jail since for killing political enemies.

Bassil and Hindy were arrested in a two-week security crackdown in August
that netted about 250 Christian activists opposed to Syria's 25,000 troops in

Touma remains at large and is believed to be living in the United States.

The three are expected to be referred to a military court.

No trial date has been set.

Al-Haj said Hindy had resumed contacts with Israel in 1995 and since then met
several Israeli officials. Al-Haj said Bassil had arranged the meetings, some
of which Touma had attended.

Among the Israeli officials who Hindy and Touma met was Uri Lubrani, the
Israeli government coordinator for south Lebanon during Israel's 18-year
occupation, court documents said.

Habib Younis, a senior editor at the Beirut bureau of the London-based and
Saudi-owned Al Hayat, is also under detention and was similarly charged in

Authorities said that Bassil had worked for Middle East Television, which was
run by the South Lebanon Army, the pro-Israeli militia that aided Israeli
occupation troops in southern Lebanon until they withdrew last year.

While Lebanon considers itself at war with Israel and bans any contact with
it, it is closely allied with Arab neighbor Syria, the main power-broker in
Lebanon. Some Christian opposition leaders strongly oppose Syria's military
and political influence in Lebanon.

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