-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Peres tells Arafat: Your fate is in your hands
By Herb Keinon

JERUSALEM (December 6) - Two days after the cabinet declared the Palestinian
Authority an "entity that supports terror," Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
spoke twice by phone with Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat
yesterday, telling him that in the next 12 hours Arafat can determine the
government's relationship towards the PA.

"Yasser Arafat called me and said to me that he wants to take things into his
hands, but we don't let him," Peres told reporters in the Knesset after a
Labor faction meeting.

"I said, 'Listen, the matter is in your hands, and only your hands. In the
next 12 hours you can determine the relationship to the PA. We have given you
a list of 36 people who we believe are leading the terror, and I recommend
very, very much that you put them in jail.'"

A senior official in the Prime Minister's Office was quick to deny that
comment was an ultimatum, or that IDF activity - which was very sparse
yesterday - was called off to give Arafat yet another chance.

"I don't know about any 12 hours," the official said. "There has been a lull
in the military operation activity because of operational reasons, and to
give Arafat time to start taking real steps."

According to the official, if Israel sees Arafat has not begun arresting
those on the list of 36, then "we will attack all those we feel are
perpetuating terror, including the security groups close to Arafat."

The official cited the weather as one of the "operational conditions" that
has delayed military activity.

According to Peres, Arafat said he could not make arrests, because the IDF
activity made moving his forces impossible.

"Regarding the movement of troops, I said I will look into it," Peres said.
"I spoke to the prime minister, and told him that Arafat said he was unable
to move forces. He said no, the forces will be able to move, and that is the
answer I gave Arafat."

According to diplomatic officials, another reason Arafat is using to explain
why he has not arrested the leading terrorists Israel wants apprehended is
concern Israel will then bomb the prisons where these men are held.

This claim, repeated by Palestinian spokesmen several times yesterday,
prompted a response by Minister without Portfolio Tzipi Livni, in charge of
the government's information efforts, who issued a statement saying: "The
Israeli government has declared in the past, and reiterates today, that
Israel will not bomb prisons in which terrorists arrested by the PA are

Livni also reiterated Israel has "no intention" of attacking Arafat
personally. She said this message was relayed to the US.

Diplomatic officials said yesterday the Palestinians are coming under
unprecedented pressure from the US to take action against the terrorists,
with the message being that, if they do not do so, the US will not do
anything to rein in Sharon.

According to US diplomatic sources, US envoy Anthony Zinni is slated to meet
today with both Palestinian and Israeli officials. Although the embassy would
not say whom Zinni will meet, it is expected that he will meet Arafat.

Zinni, accompanied by US Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer, met last night with
Sharon. The prime minister said he does not see any change in Arafat's
actions, and the bombing yesterday morning in Jerusalem only proves this.

Sharon said only through pressure on Arafat is it possible to convince him to
make the strategic decision to abandon terror and fulfill his agreement to
Israel under the various accords he has signed.

Israel's actions are currently aimed at convincing Arafat that, if he does
not take serious steps to stop terrorism, his rule will be endangered, and
Israel will not hesitate any longer to topple the Palestinian Authority.

Israel hopes Arafat - who has warned that acting against Hamas and Islamic
Jihad would lead to civil war - will conclude that if he must choose between
civil war or war with Israel, civil war is preferable.

According to a statement issued by Sharon's office following his meeting with
Zinni, Sharon said Israel is continuing its military actions, and Arafat must
bring about complete quiet.

Earlier in the day Sharon met with the Likud faction, and said he expects
Arafat to take the following five steps:

* The genuine arrest of terrorists and those who send them. "Up till now,"
Sharon said, "the arrests have been for show. Real arrests have not been
carried out."

* Dismantle the terror organizations.

* Confiscate illegal arms and remove them from the PA.

* Take real preventive acts against terror.

* End the incitement.

At this meeting, and in the shadow of a mini-coalition crisis triggered by
the government's decision to label the PA an entity supporting terror, Sharon
spoke of the importance of national unity.

"At this time we need all the forces to work together," Sharon said. "There
is a great value to the existence of a national unity government. There is no
bigger prize for Arafat - who in my eyes is responsible for terror - then the
break-up of the national unity government."

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