-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

5 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-49
Wednesday Chronicle

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The Foundation
Editorial Exegesis
Village Idiots
Short Cuts


"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of
liberty." --Thomas Jefferson


"Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn,
whatever state I may be in, therein to be content." --Helen Keller  ++
"The Bible is endorsed by the ages. Our civilization is built upon its
words. In no other book is there such a collection of inspired
wisdom." --Dwight D. Eisenhower  ++  "Do what you can, with what you
have, where you are."  --Theodore Roosevelt  ++  "Humility is the
root, mother, nurse, foundation, and bond of all virtue." --St. John
Chrysostom  ++  "I have held many things in my hands, and have lost
them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still
possess." --Martin Luther  ++  "The proper aim of giving is to put the
recipient in a state where he no longer needs our gift." --C.S. Lewis
++  "I tell you true, liberty is the best of all things; never live
beneath the noose of a servile halter." --William Wallace  ++  "It is
not enough to fight.  It is the spirit which we bring to the fight
that decides the issue.  It is morale that wins the victory."
--General George C. Marshall  ++  "The time is now, my fellow
Americans, to recapture our destiny, to take it into our own hands."
--Ronald Reagan


"America's founders, having survived a violent and protracted struggle
to break away from England, shared a belief that their fledgling
nation should be free from foreign entanglements." --Rep. Ron Paul  {}
"...[T]he world has been changed for the better precisely because
Christians weren't willing to treat their faith as a purely private
matter. In no area has this been more true than in Christianity's
championing of the weak, the poor, the sick, and the defenseless."
--Charles Colson  {}   "Sept. 11 was supposed to be a wake-up call to
moral seriousness. Let's show it and stop acting like the guilty
party." --Charles Krauthammer  {}  "If ... Osama bin Laden is
captured, killed or credibly reported to have perished in his
upholstered cave, then Americans may conclude that the war on
terrorism has been won and that normalcy, shopping, a feckless foreign
policy, multiculturalism, insecure borders, and MTV can resume as
before." --John O'Sullivan warning against reverting to a "false sense
of invulnerability."  {}  "...[W]ays of life are a conscious moral
decision and as such are subject to the standards of right and wrong
or better and worse." --Frederick B. Meekins  {}  "Democracy doesn't
thrive in darkness, and neither does history. Both need sunlight."
--Paul Greenberg  {}  "No nation can be an honest broker between a
democracy under attack and a terrorist coalition on the march."
--William Safire  {}  "Once upon a time conservatives professed deep
respect for slippery slopes and unintended consequences, and
understood that precedents can be fearsome booby traps." --Wesley
Pruden  {}  "Just like the child who pointed out that the emperor had
no clothes, the press has a role to carefully observe and point out
the 'bare' facts." --Paul M. Rodriguez  {}  "So far we should be
thankful that our military leadership is guided more by Thucydides
than by Marx, Freud, or Foucault, and so believes that the more things
change in war, the more the fundamentals remain the same." --Victor
Davis Hanson  {}  "When asked why he robbed banks, Willie Sutton
answered [because] that's where the money is. When asked why
[homosexual] activists are so determined to be Scoutmasters, one
possible answer is [because] that's where the boys are." --Richard
John Neuhaus


"This war is not being fought to vindicate the American
criminal-justice system in all its faded glory; nor to protect liberal
shibboleths. Those who pretend otherwise -- including Europeans who
are saying they will not extradite suspected terrorists to us for fear
they will face military tribunals -- are being dangerously
short-sighted. Their short-sightedness consists of forgetting that we
are at war." --National Review


"Look, Bernie, of course there's a liberal bias in the news. All the
networks tilt left.... If you repeat any of this, I'll deny it." --CBS
News President Andrew Heyward to former CBS correspondent Bernie
Goldberg, reported in Godlberg's soon-to-be-published book "Bias"  ++
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I do deny that we have a
bias...." --Heyward on a C-SPAN Sunday afternoon broadcast from Summer
2000.  ++  "Treason." --CBS reporter Eric Engberg on Goldberg's book
**So, they do consider themselves a country apart!  {}  "We spent all
night drinking and smoking cigars. He told me CNN was invaluable to
him. And I thought, if Fidel Castro can't live without it, we ought to
be able to sell CNN all over the world." --CNN founder Ted Turner on
how Cuban tyrant Fidel Castro inspired him, in 1982, to broadcast CNN
around the world. (After his 1982 meeting with Castro, Turner
commented, "Fidel ain't a communist. He's a dictator just like me.")
**Confirming the "Commie News Network" is "invaluable" to Reds around
the world....


"The bottom line is this is George Bush's recession." --Rep. Nita
Lowey, head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee  ++
"Well, of course, the Republicans have been running attack ads for
some time against many Democrats including Mr. Gephardt and myself, so
that's not uncommon." --Tom Daschle when asked about new DNC ads
calling the current economic slump the "Bush Recession."  ++  "These
are difficult and unusual times, but we must not run up the national
debt with risky, unfair tax measures that won't help the economy
recover. To make matters worse the Senate Republican Leadership is now
taking its marching orders from the radical House Republicans. This
past week Senate Republicans used procedural tricks to delay any
compromise on the stimulus plan. ...President Bush has led us well in
this war, we need his leadership now more than ever to get Republicans
back to the table." --Demo Sen. Harry Reid attempting the "divide and
conquer" maneuver to separate Mr. Bush from those rascally, "radical"
House Republicans.  {}  "While the rest of the country waves the flag
of Americana, we understand we are not part of that. We don't owe
America anything -- America owes us." --Rev. Al Sharpton gearing up
for his threatened presidential bid.


"Cruise is not, and never has been, homosexual and has never had a
homosexual affair." --Los Angeles Superior Court stipulation in
summary of Tom Cruise's $100 million defamation lawsuit against a
publisher who claimed Cruise was homosexual. **And we thought "gay"
was chic!  {}  "What about whales? They are ignoring animals that are
more important. Animals need saving and that's more important. This
New York thing is being blown out of proportion. ...Who gives a f---
about New York when elephants are being killed?" --18-year-old Lee
Ryan of Blue, "Britain's top boy band," on the 9-11 atrocity.
 {}  The "Santa Saga": "All the attention is missing a key point: This
year is different from most years. The events of September 11 require
a different kind of ceremony." --Kensington, Maryland, Town Council
trying to defend its "No Santas" policy for the community
tree-lighting ceremony. Attending the Sunday tree lighting: hundreds
of volunteer Santas and Steve Berggren of Alexandria, Virginia, in a
Grinch costume and carrying a sign reading, "How the Council Stole
Christmas" ; "I opposed the tyranny of political correctness,"
Berggren said. Another sign: "Yes, Kensington, there is a Santa
Claus." Noting similar furor over an attempted ban on smoking in
private homes, one Kensington councilman noted: "At least now Santa
can stay home and smoke."


"Rummy's [Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld's nicknames are "DR" and
"Rummy"] like a carpenter. He always measures twice and cuts once."
--Richard Allen, President Ronald Reagan's first national security
adviser **Evidently Mr. Rumsfeld never "cuts short"!  ++  Pentagon
Briefing exchange -- Rumsfeld: "I could, but I shan't." Reporter: "You
can't use that word on TV."  ++  "We're pretty confident we fixed
everything, but this is rocket science so there is some chance that we
missed something, and that's why we're testing." --Air Force Lt. Gen.
Ronald Kadish, director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization,
on the weekend's twice-scrubbed fifth hit-to-kill missile defense test
**Nice for once to hear somebody say "this IS rocket science...."  ++
"Indeed, so much of what the CIA learns is collected from newspaper
clippings that the director of the agency ought to be called the
Pastemaster General." --Wesley Pruden  ++  "If caught alive, Mullah
Omar and his Keystone Clerics, along with thuggish mercenaries from
the Arab world, should ideally be shaved, paraded in stripes, and
muzzled as they await destiny." --Victor Davis Hanson  ++  "When the
Afghan sisters began emerging from their hoods and it looked as if
American bombing had liberated more women than every women's studies
department put together, the feminists nimbly discovered a whole new
set of grievances." --Mark Steyn

Jay Leno.... Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is telling
Americans to report anything suspicious right now -- like the Detroit
Lions scoring a touchdown.  ....  This cloning story is big. You know
what Jesse Jackson said about cloning? "We can't have cloning without
the moaning!" Do you know how you can tell if a Michael Jackson clone
is real? It looks nothing like him. Why would you clone Osama bin
Laden? So he can be killed twice! Do you know why it's so easy to
clone Hillary Clinton? Because the eggs are already frozen!  .... Have
you seen the new Gyroscope Scooter? This thing is supposed to
revolutionize the transportation industry. Hey, if you want to
revolutionize transportation, how about a third X-ray machine at the
airports for starters? This scooter weighs 60 pounds and can go about
12 miles per hour, so it's a Geo Metro, basically.  ....  Al Gore is
now busy running a family restaurant. You know, this guy was so close
to being the leader of the free world -- now he's just asking people
if they want the special.

David Letterman.... Top Questions on the Application for Doorman at
Osama Bin Laden's Cave Complex: Do you have references from maniacal
terrorists you've worked for? Mind signing for exploding packages?
You're not taking this job so you can kill Osama and get the $25
million, are you? Do you mind being drugged, knocked out, blindfolded
and driven 200 miles to and from work every day? List three references
who can vouch for your beard. Can you make balloon animals? Osama
loves balloon animals. Will you contribute to the 401(k) even though
there's not a chance in hell you'll see 65? Are you okay with some
light typing and filing? List the schools where you received your
fanatical, hate-filled education. May we pay you in sand?

Argus Hamilton....  Madison Avenue released the first wave of
patriotic TV commercials since the war began. Some of the ads are a
little over-the-top. It's not true that if you don't go straight to
McDonald's and buy a Happy Meal, the terrorists will have won.  ....
President Bush watched the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia
Saturday. The game was broadcast on Armed Forces Radio all over the
world. Whenever either quarterback went for the bomb, CNN reported
that 30 more civilians were dead in Kandahar.  ....  Donald Rumsfeld
announced Sunday that U.S. forces may pump deadly gases into the caves
of Afghanistan. It works very well. They just did the same thing to
Tom Daschle's office, and suddenly he's willing to talk about drilling
in Alaska.  ....  Taliban leader Mullah Omar fled his headquarters
just before it was bombed Tuesday. He then ordered his men to stand
their ground and fight to the death. No one's seen leadership like
this since Bill Clinton gave the invocation at Promise Keepers.  ....
Prince Charles went to church Sunday with mistress Camilla Parker
Bowles and they were welcomed. After 450 years, The Church of England
finally has an exact definition of the Middle Way between Calvinism
and Catholicism. It's Clintonism.  ....  Bill Clinton moved into his
top-floor offices in Harlem last week and in his first order of
business, he openly advertised for interns. There's nothing Hillary
can do. President Bush told Americans to get back to their normal

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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