-Caveat Lector-

Well June, the ADL came out with this neo nazi crap and went after those
two kids at Littleton and then they found out this Klebold kid came from
a jewish family - another smaller 'foundation" which is nice point for
laundering dirty money.   End of story ......

Then they do not like to talk about these two kids wanting to hijack a
jet plane and crashing it into New York City - now somehow this reminds
me of the Twin Towers.

Now tell me where were these loving parents when these two little hoods
who were wearing black trench coats - these two alleged homosexual
lovers - when they plotted and planned and bought enough explosives to
wipe out a block area and their slaughter however due to their inability
to provide more effective pipe bombs, etc., which did not go off, saved
the lives of hundreds of people.

What they planned was a real blast reminiscent to the Twin Towers?

Tell me where were these loving parents?

Well Klebolds decided to sue the Sheriff for their lack of control over
their little animal.   Do not know if the Harris kid's family did - but
the minute it came out that Klebold was jewish - hey it sure stopped the
ADL from complaining further for we had a good look as to from where
some of this stuff was coming....oh it was to celebrate Adolph Hitler's
Birthday, and to bring Judgment Day or Megiddo on their little

Such lovely parents - one suing the Sheriff blaming him - where the hell
did these kids keep these arsenals - one drugged up half the time, the
other boozing up so much vodka he took it as a nickname.

Both these homes had fathers....tell me where were they, the
displinarian figure?

but somehow that wanting to hijack a jet plan and crash it into New York
City rang a familiar bell....

So one of the first guys to get the anthrax in the Senate?   Why this
man Dascle - was against gun control during this period........but
Clinton went after the guns because two little "fascists",  wanted to
use propane gas tanks to take out an entire block - maybe he should have
gone after the propane?

Wonder, did they ever take these "parents" to juvenile Court for neglect
after the fact - the kids were 17 and still under their legal control.

But then like this 6 year old black kick who shot and killed a little 6
year old white girl we are to forgive and forget?

Now where did these kids keep their arsenal?

And to hijack and crash a jet plane?   These other kids whom they called
"jocks" these are the one's they were after.....they were all Christians
and targeted kids, no doubt active in Christian organizations....

But most of all their parents did not sue the Sheriff for neglect in
their kids being slaughtered - not it took Klebold's parents to do
that......hope they were heavily insured against the terrorist
activities of their kids.


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New Details of Columbine Attack: 95 Bombs
Electronic Triggering Failures Prevented School Holocaust
Feb. 14, 2000
Columbine gunman caught on video in school cafeteria
DENVER (AP) -- Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were armed with 95
explosive devices when they launched their attack on Columbine High
School last spring -- a much larger arsenal than originally reported.
The explosives, enough to wipe out the school and hundreds of students,
included 48 carbon dioxide bombs, 27 pipe bombs and 11 1.5-gallon
propane containers. Most of the bombs did not explode.
The two Columbine seniors also had seven devices with 40-plus gallons of
flammable liquid and two duffel bags containing 20-pound
liquefied-petroleum gas tanks.
The extent of their arsenal was revealed last week when members of the
Littleton Fire Department met with Gov. Bill Owens' Columbine Review
Commission, The Denver Post reported today.
'Very, very lucky'
Related Stories:
Full Coverage: The Massacre at Columbine High School
"As bad as this was, we were so very, very lucky," said Chuck Burdick,
operations chief of the Littleton Fire Department. "It could have been
so much worse."
Following the April 20 massacre, authorities believed Klebold and Harris
had made about 60 bombs.
"I look at Columbine High School as a true act of domestic terrorism,"
Rick Young, an investigator and bomb technician, told the Post.
Young would not explain why the bombs did not go off except to say it
was because of "very simple electronic failure." He also said Harris and
Klebold used unstable fireworks powder to make the bombs.
Some details secret
Young and other officials are so worried the killers' plans and arsenal
could be used as a blueprint to launch other attacks, they would not
tell the commission why the bombs failed.
Twelve students and one teacher died in the attack after being shot by
Harris and Klebold. The gunmen committed suicide, leaving some of their
bombs near their bodies, Young said.
Pipe bombs placed on the street to divert police failed although one
went off after a member of a survey crew kicked it, Young said. The two
gunmen also placed bombs inside the school, in their homes and in their
own cars, parked in the school's lot.
Each of their cars contained two 20-pound propane tanks, another 20
gallons of gas, pipe bombs, clocks and other combustible liquids, Young
said. The clocks were face down so no one could see when the bombs would
Massive fireball planned
Harris and Klebold planned to have bombs explode in the school cafeteria
at 11:17 a.m., creating a massive fireball to destroy both the cafeteria
and the library above it, Young said.
Then they planned to shoot students as they ran from the school, and at
noon their car bombs were supposed to explode, Young said. They also
planned to hurt any police officers responding to the attack.
The Jefferson County Sheriff's Office was expected to release its final
report on the investigation into the attack by mid-March, officials
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