-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

17 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-51
Monday Brief

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We encourage our readers to take a moment and send an e-mail to
service personnel overseas, who will not be home for Christmas. The
USN has set up a secure Web site where you can post Christmas
greetings to American Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Coast
Guardsmen. Link to -- http://anyservicemember.navy.mil/  and consider
having your kids participate! How about a class project!

The Foundation
Good News
ICTUS Imprimis
Opinion in Brief
Editorial Exegesis
The Gipper
Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word


"If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in
peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. May your chains set lightly
upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
--Samuel Adams


"The characteristic of heroism is its persistency.  All men have
wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have
chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile
yourself with the world.  The heroic cannot be the common, nor the
common heroic.  Yet we have the weakness to expect the sympathy of
people in those actions whose excellence is that they outrun sympathy
and appeal to a tardy justice.  If you would serve your brother
because it is fit for you to serve him, do not take back your words
when you find that prudent people do not commend you."  --Ralph Waldo


"For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith
goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control;
and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and
to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love." (2
Peter 1:5-7)  ++  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in humility consider others better than yourselves." (Philippians
2:3)  ++  "Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."
(Matthew 5:7)


"Given the way the battle lines are drawn, it's easy to conclude that
public policy fights are between the forces of 'faith' and the forces
of 'reason.' Secular warriors frequently depict the struggle in these
terms and, all too often, Christians acquiesce in this depiction.
..There is no fundamental opposition of faith and reason. On the
contrary, faith and reason are mutually supportive. In fact,
conservative Christian views on moral issues can be shown to be
rationally superior to the alternatives proposed by secular
Secularists say they want to resolve disputes about morality and
public policy on the level of reason. ...When we engage in honest,
rational debate on issue after issue, the Christian position is
vindicated, and secularist ideology fails." --Charles Colson


"Parenting must be given the priority it deserves. Parenting is not a
hobby; it is a full time occupation. One cannot ignore his or her
children and expect them to turn out well. ... Wallowing in moral and
spiritual poverty while surrounded by material and financial
prosperity is the sad story of many American families.... It takes
time and effort to instill the fundamental principles of character and
conviction into our children. There is no short cut, no easy way to
raise honest, considerate children." --Chuck Baldwin


"All right. I am now officially sick-and-tired of the growing
hand-wringing, and moral temporizing over the fate of that traitor,
John Walker who is, at this writing, sitting in a shipping container
under the watchful eyes of US Marine Corps at Camp Rhino in
Ahf-gahn-ee-stahn.  I am officially sick-and-tired of hearing the 'a
young man who made bad choices' discussion....  And, I am officially
sick-and-tired of suggesting there is any question about what to do
with him. Do the words 'last cigarette' and 'blindfold' fit here? Oh,
yes. I know: He's someone's son. His parents are acting like Chandra
Levy's mother and father. They've taken to sending out baby pictures
of the little tyke. We await the standard 'first bath in the kitchen
sink' photo. Then they released his 'Dear mama and papa' letter. Just
a young man who made some bad choices.  Bad choices. Here's a guy who
grew up in those two hotbeds of modern Conservative thought, Suburban
Washington, DC and suburban San Francisco; went to Yemen, then
Pakistan, then Afghanistan only to end up with shrapnel in his leg,
looking like Charles Manson in a burnoose. Puh-leeze." --Rich Galen


"The events of September 11th understandably made Americans far more
concerned about their safety here at home.  All of us want action
taken to diminish the threat of terrorist attacks, and President Bush
is doing a very good job of pursuing bin Laden and his cohorts
overseas. The proper focus should be on identifying those responsible
and using limited military force to bring them to justice. We should
arrest or kill the perpetrators abroad, use our armed forces more
wisely to defend our borders, and reform immigration laws to keep
terrorists out. Unfortunately, the focus in Congress seems to be on a
domestic agenda that will adversely affect millions of ordinary
Americans without making us any safer. ... History demonstrates that
the powers we give the federal government today will remain in place
indefinitely.  How comfortable are you that future presidents won't
abuse those powers?" --Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)


"We interrupt television's chattering class of pundits and pols who
are already celebrating America's stunning, swift victory over the
Taliban in Afghanistan for a brief reality check. The story so far:
President Bush's war against world terrorism and all nations that
'harbor or support terrorism' is impressive but incomplete. So far, we
have sunk the harbor, but not the boats. ... Terrorism is not a
labor-intensive occupation. A handful of terrorists can wreak
horrendous havoc. As long as any fragment of bin Laden's far-flung and
well-financed al Qaida has any means of pulling off any terrorist
deeds, no nation is safe and none can rest." --Martin Schram


"Recently the ... [Consumer Product Safety Commission] filed a lawsuit
against Daisy Manufacturing Co. (the maker of the Red Ryder) that
seeks to force Daisy to recall two of its popular BB-gun models, for
no other reason than that they are ... BB guns. Even Santa must be
scratching his head. Daisy has been selling one of the models for
nearly 30 years and the other since 1984; in total 7.5 million would
be up for recall. Daisy, moreover, has already passed six CPSC reviews
since 1981. Strangest yet, the 'defect' the commission now claims to
have found in the Daisy rifles is actually common to the entire
air-gun industry. Ah yes, but this isn't about safety; it's about
politics. Former Commission Chairman Ann Brown needed one last hurrah
before she resigned this month, and what better target than air-guns?
They've been on the 'naughty' list of zero-tolerance types for years
-- gender-neutral, antiviolence folks don't want little boys playing
with toy soldiers, much less real hardware. And a victory over Daisy
(which, along with other BB-gun makers, has a spotless record of
self-regulation) would mean control over the whole market, 100 million
BB guns strong. Even if the lawsuit fails, the commission might be
able to scare retailers into dropping the products for fear of
liability. ...And so we have a suggestion for Santa. This Christmas
Eve, as he delivers Daisy BB guns to expectant children all across
America, he might bring along an extra load of coal. And he might just
drop it down a certain Washington chimney -- observing all the proper
safety procedures, of course." --Wall Street Journal


"Our principles were revolutionary. We began as a small, weak
republic. But we survived. Our example inspired others, imperfectly at
times, but it inspired them nevertheless. This constitutional
republic, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that
all men are created equal, prospered and grew strong. To this day,
America is still the abiding alternative to tyranny. That is our
purpose in the world -- nothing more and nothing less." --Ronald


"Limited-government types worry that wars lead to permanent expansion
of government budgets and programs. Civil libertarians fear the fight
against terrorism will do irreparable damage to basic freedoms. Those
concerns are valid, but the current war also forces our leaders to
focus on the essential tasks of government, instead of dreaming up
nonsense to justify their existence. It may also compel both the
public and elected officials to ask whether the government might have
done a better job combating terrorism in the months and years before
Sept. 11 if it had not been distracted by so many less urgent matters.
Earlier this year, politicians could curry favor with voters by using
their power for whatever worthy cause that came to mind." --Steve


"Saddam Hussein thought he had survived the world's armada, and so
defined the Gulf War as success, not defeat. The unbiased touchstone
of success -- Baghdad not stormed, Hussein's head not in a noose, and
the Imperial Guard not liquidated -- suggested that he, not us, knew
better. And so, like Churchill in 1939, we now face the same enemy in
the same place because of naiveté and the misplaced humanity of the
past. A defeated army -- now and always -- must not merely surrender.
Rather it and its infrastructure must be dismantled and its ideology
disgraced." --Victor Davis Hanson


>From the "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like (??????)mas" Files....

"We are trying to accommodate everybody," said Mission Viejo Mayor
William S. Craycraft, announcing the California city's annual holiday
display will now be secularized with Santa Claus, winter scenes and

John Rothschild, legal counsel to the Wisconsin Department of
Administration, on being sued for constitutional violations by eight
Wisconsinites protesting department bureaucrats' prohibition on
including religious ornaments among the handmade decorations solicited
for the Madison Christmas tree: "We accept all types of ornaments, so
we haven't understood why it was necessary to file a lawsuit. That
[refusal of religious ornaments] happened before a letter went out to
clarify that in fact we have no policy, regarding religious

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) and other homosexual
Leftist groups are on a mission of holiday revenge against the
Salvation Army -- in several states, organizing a vindictive
coordinated effort to stuff the bell ringers' red kettles with phony
$5 bills together with a written censure of the Salvation Army's
stance opposing "normalization" of homosexual relationships.

A Frederick County school administrator said employees would be
prohibited from handing out Christmas cards in the school because
cards with a Christian message "may not be a legally protected right
on a public school campus."

A Pennsylvania fourth-grader was prevented from handing out religious
Christmas cards to classmates.

Two Minnesota middle school students were disciplined for wearing red
and green scarves in a Christmas skit and for ending the skit by
saying, "We hope you all have a merry Christmas."

Two Massachusetts ninth-graders were prohibited from creating
Christmas cards that say "Merry Christmas" or depict a nativity scene.

An Illinois principal warned a second-grade teacher not to read a book
about Christmas from the school's library to her students.

An Oregon superintendent required students to remove all "religious"
holiday decorations from their lockers but allowed secular

A Georgia county school board deleted the word "Christmas" from the
school calendar after the American Civil Liberties Union threatened
legal action.

**Repeat after us: God bless us everyone! Merry CHRIST-mas!


Defeating Terrorism: A Mission to the Moon and Beyond

Leftists Emerging as 1st Amendment Phonies

(To submit an editorial comment or read other comments, link to:

"As a retired US Navy veteran of Vietnam, my thoughts on this *&%$^#%*
Walker. If there was ever a case for a military tribunal, it is for
this cockroach. He can be clearly charged with sedition, brought to a
fair trial in the finest military tradition, then executed by firing

"What these 'I'm OK, You're OK, Everything's OK' Leftmedia and their
ilk have said if little Johnny decided to convert to Christianity,
adopt traditional Western ideals and read the writings of the Founding
Fathers (aka 'dead white guys') -- much less, subscribe to The
Federalist. One wonders if they would have given their blessing to his
joining the Young Republicans, the ROTC and the National Rifle
Association, and competing in shooting sports, with something other
than the AK-47 with which he was captured?

"It's not that Congress gave themselves a pay raise that bothers me
most, it's that the XXVII Amendment to the US Constitution (Submitted
to the States on September 25, 1789 and ratified on May 7, 1992 after
Michigan approved the amendment) specifically holds that 'No law,
varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and
Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of
Representatives shall have intervened'. Any of them who accept the
additional pay in January are in violation of our Constitution!"


"Is God.... God is in charge. When we pray, does God hear? When we
believe, will we still fear? We pray for peace, dear God -- one day,
For loved ones who've been swept away. May they walk with you now,
hand in hand, May they watch with you now, o'er this great land. When
we pray to God, His ears do hear! And when we believe, we shall not
fear!" --Johnny Hart in the comic strip "B.C."

This Week's Leftoons:

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