-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


ARTICLE 02 – Ten Things I Do Not Know Or Understand



By Matthew Dodd

The famous satirist Will Rogers once observed, "Everybody is ignorant, only
on different subjects." Many people do not like to admit ignorance, but it is
tough to argue with Rogers' quote. From my experience as a military officer,
the consensus is that folks who come across as "know-it-alls" are not trusted
and not well respected.

Today's military leaders would do themselves, and their seniors and
subordinates, a great service if they took the time to reflect on the things
they do not know or understand. To better facilitate discussion and
reflection, let me share with you my current "Top 10" list of subjects on
which I freely confess my ignorance:

10. How can American John Walker, who was captured with an AK-47 strapped
across his shoulders as a trained Taliban fighter against U.S. and allied
forces in

Afghanistan, be considered as anything but a traitor to our nation?

9. Why are so many active and reserve component folks who love the military
and who have dedicated their lives to serving their country so fearful of
retribution for identifying institutional faults, failures, and falsehoods
that they choose to remain silent?

8. Who originated the observation that the military services are known as the
"Four Ds: the Dumb, the Devious, the Defiant, the Dedicated?" (I will leave
it to you to figure out which service belongs to which "D").

7. Why does most everyone complain about poor or no turnovers when starting
new jobs, but hardly anybody takes the time or makes the effort to write
accurate desktop procedures/turnover binders/continuity files, etc.?

6. How does the Pentagon Joint Staff expect to succeed in developing future
warfighting concepts by designating lone O-6s to lead long-term, part-time,
and ad hoc working groups to study and write those concepts?

5. How can some Joint Staff general/flag officers unabashedly say that they
are willingly seeking only the 75 percent solution now, knowing full well
that the issue will need to be worked again in the future (on someone else's
watch) to get to the 100 percent solution?

4. Why do so many retired general/flag officers encourage active junior
officers to exercise their moral courage by speaking out against legacy
problems, programs, and policies that those same retired general/flag
officers either endorsed, ignored, or failed to change when they were on
active duty?

3. Why did it take the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to prompt
a major mainstream newspaper (USA Today, “Misconduct Marks Guard Command:
Lack of oversight by Pentagon, states let misbehavior flourish”) that
captures what David Hackworth and his readers have been saying for years
about widespread corruption in the National Guard?

2. Why is it that nobody seems to consider the idea of military and
governmental seniors seeking and accepting feedback and constructive
criticism from subordinates

as a leadership development tool (promotion consideration)?

1. Why is it that our military leadership, which is doing a superb job in our
global war on terrorism, is powerless to stop, or at least contain, the
proliferation of “Power-Point Rangers?”

I believe in the words of the enormously popular philosopher, “Anonymous,”
who once said, "Admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom." Now that
I have willingly admitted my ignorance, I am feeling more liberated than
wise. I guess only time will tell.

Lt. Col. Matthew Dodd is the pen name of an active-duty Marine Corps officer
stationed at the Pentagon. He can be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 03 – Scary Airport Security



As a Marine recruiter, I took a few new recruits to the Memphis Airport and
saw something that scared me: Army National Guard soldiers on duty.

Here’s the scary part. Army National Guardsmen generally receive less
training than most warriors, but the young, under-trained Guardsmen I saw
were carrying

M-16s loaded with the standard NATO spec ammo which carries the ss109 bullet
known as the penetrator (light armor-piercing) which will not only zip
through one person but several.

Moreover, they were carrying them at sling arms, where anyone with any type
of sentry take-down training can get hold of the rifle. This was the wrong
weapon, the wrong ammunition, and most likely insufficient training for that

I do know of Guardsmen who could handle that weapon in that environment, but
they are very far and few between.

--A Concerned Marine

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 04 – For the Record: Afghanistan Service Personnel Get Tax Break



Editor’s Note: Two says after Col. David Hackworth called on the Bush
administration to grant military service personnel in the Afghanistan war
zone the traditional income tax break, the White House and Pentagon responded

Text of the Defense Department News Release, Dec. 14, 2001:


Servicemembers in Afghanistan will receive significant tax breaks as a result
of an executive order signed today by the president.

The order is effective Sept. 19, the day troops first started deploying for
Operation Enduring Freedom. The combat zone tax exclusion applies to service
in Afghanistan and the airspace above it. Servicemembers directly supporting
operations in Afghanistan from other locations are also eligible if they are
receiving imminent danger pay or hostile fire pay. As a result of the order,
enlisted servicemembers and warrant officers will pay no federal income tax
on all basic pay and special pay. Officers will pay tax only on that portion
of their pay that exceeds the highest enlisted pay plus the $150 imminent
danger pay, a figure currently set at $5,043.

Eligible servicemembers also receive an automatic extension to file their

Since the order is retroactive to Sept. 19, eligible servicemembers can
expect a refund of taxes already paid and future withholding to stop.

Text of the President’s Afghanistan Combat Zone Executive Order:

Executive Order Designation of Afghanistan and the Airspace Above as a Combat

Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and
the laws of the United States of America, including section 112 of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 112), I designate, for purposes of
that section, Afghanistan, including the airspace above, as an area in which
Armed Forces of the United States are and have been engaged in combat.

For purposes of this order, I designate September 19, 2001, as the date of
the commencement of combatant activities in such zone.



December 12, 2001.

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 05 – Feedback: Readers React to Hackworth Columns



Supports Tax-free Status

I want to thank David Hackworth for his distinguished service to our nation
and the cause of freedom worldwide. I am in full agreement with his article
last week (“Silver Wings Upon Their Chests, Dec. 12), and would answer his
final question concerning tax status [providing service personnel serving in
Afghanistan] with a resounding yes!

I would go further: They should be tax exempt. Without their expertise and
dedication to duty, we would surely endure the exponentially more costly
wrath of a protracted war – much of it being waged against us in our own
country. That said, the proposal unquestionably cost-justified as well as
being overwhelmingly morally sound.

One good thing to come out of this fiery trial is a renewed respect for all
our armed services and associated agencies that goes far beyond the patriotic
pride which happily is rising once again in the breasts of our countrymen;
far enough to ensure that no family of a service man or woman would ever
again need to result to public assistance for sustenance.

--A Concerned Citizen

Marine Pride and Old Weapons

I was watching the coverage of the Marines at Camp Rhino and noticed that
their equipment was the exact same stuff that I was using [in the Marine
Corps] back in 1989-93. I heard that they had gotten a new machine gun in
place of the M-60E-3, but I didn't see it during the TV coverage. In my whole
time in the Corps, I can't recall fielding one piece of new equipment. We, as
Marines take a strange sense of

pride about being successful with old equipment. It's that old spirit of
being f**d all down the chain of command, but still determined to remain
“Always Faithful.” We used to laugh about it, but as I watch other Marines
in harm’s way, I am a little ticked off.

The Marines’ gung-ho spirit is sometimes their own weakness. They pump up
their Marines, but fail to tell that, in a way, they are being f**d by being
sent out with outdated gear. If they are America's “911 FORCE,” they need to
be equipped like it. At least they should be armed with the same stuff as the
101st or the 10th Mountain Divisions. I know Special Forces, the Rangers and
the 82nd Airborne get top-of-the-line gear.


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