-Caveat Lector-

Well Bill, Larry Silverstein is the beneficiary of a potential 7 billion
dollar insurance policy.

Demolition of Twin Towers served dual purpose and see how the Zionist
press is slowly turning into a hate movement against Muslims which has
been the intent all along?

Remember it was only July it snowed in Saudi Arabia - and the Americans
assisted the Saudis in making their ski slopes?

Snow in July, all timed to my bible calendar too.   This is how I know
who does what.

So Sayonora Bill.......like this Lyndon LaRouche.

So they have Arafat now - made him a "detainee" in his own land?   Is he
a POW for they have him caged up like the Taliban in Cuba?

Now such should be done to Ariel Scheinman or Scheinburg aka Ariel
Sharon - put them all in the zoo or the local nut house with the rest of
the terrorists.


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