-Caveat Lector-

> You see, the Palestinians are not people, they are cockroaches.  It makes
> so much easier to exterminate people when they are considered cockroaches
> and/or monkeys.  Israel does not mind "diplomatic" scrutiny of their
> treatment of the Palestinians.  It does not matter one whit.  They might
> if the US were to give them serious scrutiny, but the United States is
> going to object to Israeli treatment of the Palestinians.  They will
> every movement with money and more weapons.  Palestinians have been
> for extermination.  It is obvious to anyone who listens or reads.  Prudy

i dunno about that last point.

listen, there's no doubt that israel appears to be able to do whatever it
pleases; but it seems blatantly obvious, given the actions of the us to
similar problems in other parts of the world, that it is not because israel
controls united states foreign policy but because united states *financial*
policy controls israel!

so why does the us let israel "do what it pleases"? $$. gun money. blood
money. as long as israel is buying weapons by the truckload, the us is not
going to ask any questions. why does the us let turkey butcher thousands of
kurds? why does the us fund the government of columbia? why does the us prop
up any of the other brutal dictatorships that they have in the past, do
presently or in the future will prop up? $$. gun money. blood money. as long
as they keep buying weapons by the truckload, no questions need to be asked.

this argument about jews controlling united states foreign policy is
ridiculous. united states foreign policy is to funnel weapons not only into
israel but also into saudi arabia and into pakistan. do you think the jews
want a powerful, arabic neighbour? how about a powerful muslim nuclear
power? i think not. so, why does the us send weapons into saudi arabia by
the truckload? $$. gun money. blood money.

now, more to the point, about palestinians being targetted......yeah, they
have been, but it's not because they're palestinian and it's not because
they're not jewish. it's because they're in the way. in the way of what? in
the way of a massive ghetto created by the "british" [prussian/german] crown
in order to carry out the final phase of the final solution. and, hey, they
don't even have to do it - the arabs can do it for them. just throw a couple
of doctors into the mix and it's just like old times.

what *is* obvious to everybody who has been paying attention is that the
united states power structure was taken over by a clique of nazi war
criminals connected to global business conglomerates slightly after the war.
what *is* obvious to anybody that has been paying attention is that the
israeli leaders have never been who they've said they were - that most of
them are in fact germans, germans that follow orders, orders that create
turmoil in the region and will eventually lead to the destruction of israel
as a nation and the race of jewish people. what *is* obvious to anybody who
has been paying attention is that everything in america is overseen by
british intelligence, which was as interlocked with nazi intelligence as
american intelligence was.

israel is a cell. a holding block. israeli leaders, most of whom are in
reality german nazis, do what they're told in order to create anti-semitism
[you know what i mean, don't resort to bullshit] in the middle east for the
eventual purpose of the destruction of the jewish race. it's called
hegelianism; and it's the same reason why the wall street/german axis
created communist russia - to discredit socialism as a valid form of
government and lead the way into fascistic capitalism. problem is, stalin
messed up their plans [which were to install trotsky as lenin's succesor]
and beat them at their own game; hence the original goal [nazi domination of
the world] was forced to be altered to a "destruction" [read:
transportation] of nazism in an attempt to contain communism, which was
originally supposed to be destroyed by about 1943. in effect, they fucked up
and were forced to cut their losses and start over - this time in america.
fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the rest of us, they get their
guy [khruschev] in after stalin died.

when they're done, nobody will be left standing except for the northern
european race and we will be entirely enslaved in a completely fascistic
system that forces us to breed very sparsely. this is their "ideal world". i
just hope that people begin to "get it" before then.....

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