--- Begin Message ---
<PRE>"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

***** [If you are on Paypal, you can donate to this effort at email address: 

***** [Join us on our NEW "fun" list: the Info Junkie List. Tons of information passes 
this way every day -- and some of it is worth passing along: To join the Info Junkie 
list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- See ya there!] *****

***** [URGENT NOTICE: For perspective on 9-11 attacks you must see the articles lined 
up at www.sweetliberty.org -- when you get to that home page you will see on the left 
hand side under the headings a section in red, "America's New War, or War on 
Americans? When you click on that and scroll down you will find a section in blue 
letters called "Attack on America", when you click on that you find many key articles 
on 9-11, including: "Operation 911: No Suicide Pilots!" by Carol Valentine; and "Who 
We Need Fear and What is Global Hawk?" from this e-wire; and "More 911 Questions; 
Anthrax; Who's the Coward?" also from this e-wire. After today's message you can find 
how to go to the Topica website to read any and all of our back articles since January 
10, 2000.] *****

***** [To subscribe send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- to 
unsubscribe send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]] *****

***** [To email us: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- or simply reply to this message . . . 
Archived messages can be found at votefraud.org, then hit "red hot news" on the 
Navigation Bar, then pick month and date] ***** </PRE>

March 05, 2002 NA (Network America) e-wire

Why Votefraud.org is Marked “Forbidden”

O.K. I’ll do it. But after I cover this first point, I've sent along one
of my best tirades -- at least it felt like one of the best when I wrote
it a few minutes ago.

A number of you good souls have written and asked why votefraud.org is
down and marked “Forbidden” when you try to get to it.

The reason is simple: in this case it is not the Illuminati, the B’nai
B’rith, the JDL, DHL, FBI, CIA, FEMA, IMF, DUI, or MOUSE.

No, we have simply been unable to pay our bill to our good service
provider for many months now, and he has been most patient. Our bill now
sits at $495 --- MINUS the $250 that a good man and old friend has just
told me he is sending from the east coast. This good man was sending
this generous donation without even knowing of our plight.

Now, with regard to the next paragraph, please don’t write me any nasty
letters, accuse me of wanting to “make a living off the movement”, or
call me a “pay-triot.” As the great Jim Rockford used to say with regard
to something else, that kind of thing “turns me off my own business.”

But if you are not trying to keep afloat your own operation, -- if you
have some discretionary money – and if you feel that you want to help us
get the website unblocked – then you can send a little donation to
Network America, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211. You can do it by
check or you can do it by credit card, in which case you must but the
card number and the expiration date, and the amount you want us to
charge. Many thanks – in advance --  to all who can do this.

Now I am not appealing here to a) others running their own research
operations  or websites or educational efforts – you have your hands
full; b) the “usual suspects” who always generously respond, and who
then eventually get piled on by everyone who finds out how generous they

This appeal is to those who have perhaps never contributed anything to
Network America or Citizens for A Fair Vote Count, but have been
thinking from time to time that they might do so. --- And if you don’t
want to contribute, that’s OK too. I realize that almost all of us go on
the internet for free information --- I do too. This is and will remain
a free e-wire service. The idea is to get ideas and facts out there as
far as possible that the “Powers that be” don’t want us to hear or think
about. And one more thing –

If you are strapped with a bunch of kids or a sick mother in law and
will just be going further into debt – please do not send any money. But
do say a prayer – say it right now if you would be so kind – that we
here and you there can follow God’s will to the best of our ability in
the critical months and years ahead – and that we find the means to do
the work we should do.

Make that prayer to include this intention: besides doing my best to
earn a living, I am working on three different avenues to fund this
movement and other worthwhile movements so that we can get some momentum
to fight and thwart the moral devils who are trying to tighten their
grip on our beloved nation.

In the next few days will come a short e-wire regarding who will be to
blame if there is a nuclear or biological attack on the USA in the next
10 months.

In case you haven’t been able to notice, the Big Media has been BRIMMING
OVER with references to the USA being a victim of a nuclear or
biological attack in the near-term future. Paula Zahn and Seymour Hersch
decided on CNN this morning amidst smiles and yuck-yucks that Sharon in
Israel may just use nuclear weapons over there, and the US newsmedia
today was full of reports that we just barely missed (?) being hit by a
suitcase nuclear attack in New York City. Good friend Nick Landholt
informs us from Midland – Odessa, Texas that the Odessa newspaper
carried a prominent headline yesterday saying “Texas Braces for Major
Biowarfare Attack.” Get it? Get it? Those underclothed Afghans shivering
in caves half way around the world are going to do it, don’t ya know?

I sincerely believe that the only way we are going to prevent a nuclear
or biological attack engineered by the dark side of the CIA / Mossad /
KGB – on a major America population center – in the next ten months --
is to RIGHT NOW make it known to the “Enemies and Barbarians Inside the
Gates” – and their disgusting hirelings – (at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX,
and in Congress, at the talk shows on all the major radio stations, and
in the Federal government at the Dept of Defense and the Dept of State)
or biowarfare attack takes place in the USA.

And we are going to blame the slaves and hirelings in Congress for doing
nothing to protect the American people as they cower before the Big
Media to save their miserable careers.

That e-wire will be along in a day or so. PLEASE – stop for a few
minutes or a half hour this week or weekend and pass this on to as many
opinion molders and other Americans as you can reach by email. Or even
print it out and mail it to your pastor, your police chief, your
Sheriff, your Marine Recruiting office, your City Councilman, or your
state Rep.

I’m sick at seeing 9 young American soldiers dying this weekend for the
evil cause of the anti-Christian Permanent Revolution in a cold and far
away place – when the Marines should be CLEANING HOUSE at here at home
-- at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, the New York Times, the Washington Post,
and in that computer elected – that computer-generated Congress we’re
saddled with!

The double-dealing warmongering Israeli citizen Paul Wolfowitz who is
plotting to send thousands of American boys to their death in the Middle
East over the next few years, and who is the second in command at the
Department of Defense, -- should be handcuffed, charged with treason,
and jailed while he awaits his treason trial. Same goes for Israeli
Citizen “Senator” Charles Schumer of New York (the computers told us he
got elected!). And the same goes for Alan Greenspan and everyone in
power at the Federal Reserve Board and the IMF. Bill Clinton, Janet Reno
and former FBI Director Louie Freeh should be handcuffed, charged with
murder for WACO, and jailed while they await their murder trials. That’s
what the Marines should be doing.

That what the Marines and Army should be doing -- not invading Afghan
territory, and fighting Afghan men – who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO
WITH THE remote control guided plane attacks on the World Trade Center
and the Pentagon. Carol Valentine has posted all the research any
rationale person needs – in order to conclude with authority that – high
level government officials in the USA were fully complicit in the 9-11
attacks, and indeed were solely responsible for making them possible at
all, even if Moslems who hate America (there are plenty, of course) were
on the planes as part of the show – although this last point is open to
grave question.

Go to public-action.com and look at the articles “Operation 9-11: No
suicide Pilots”; “Did NORAD send the Suicide Jets, Part I: Inside Job” –
and – “Part II: the Dumb Blondes.”

When you email or mail this e-wire message that is coming  – which will
be more restrained than the above, as I realize we will be dealing with
a lot of new people who are thoroughly under the mind control of the Big
Media -- you can even say, “I don’t know whether this guy is right or
not – but I thought you should see this.” Send it with your name, or
send it anonymously, but please help spread the word in some way. Your
influence does count. Do use it.


Jim Condit Jr.,
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

<PRE>***** [Network America e-wire messages are archived at the votefraud.org website. 
 These archived messages can be found at votefraud.org by going to "red hot news", 
then "news by month", then choose from the titles in each month.  . . . You can also 
always find a completely up to date archive of Network America messages at: <A HREF=" 
">http://www.topica.com/lists/networkamerica/read</A> -- but you may find that you 
have to establish a user name and password at Topica first.] *****

***** [Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, 
Ohio 45211] *****

***** [RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest 
Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.rense.com in the archives, 
April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest; there is also an hour 
interview on the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election in the www.rense.org 
archives for the night of December 6, 2000.] *****

***** [A limited archive of some of the "Best of" Archives can be found at 
www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" section accessed in left hand 
column of home page] *****

***** [Our most important "mental background" e-wires -- can be found at votefraud.org 
by scrolling down on the home page to the section: "The Full Story behind the Radio 
Ads". These e-wires give you a better overview of what's happening in America and the 
world then you would get by spending 4 years in political science classes at Harvard 
or Yale, or another other major university. Save yourself time and money -- read those 
important NA e-wires. Also, e-wires of November 24, 26, and 27, 2000 give critical 
information on the aftermath of Election 2000.] *****

***** [For our Election 2000 Vote Fraud Radio Ads -- Go to www.votefraud.org, and pick 
the section on the home page entitled, "Listen to all the Vote Fraud ads You've heard 
about" to hear -- or read the text -- of the Radio Ads which aired in the month before 
the 2000 election over WLW Radio -- which stations reaches into 38 states at night -- 
and several other midwest stations. These radio ads exposed the easily rigged 
computerized elections which "elect" public officials in the USA, and also exposed the 
coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for 
Congress, the radio stations were REQUIRED BY LAW to air these ads. They're tough. 
They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting like it on TV or Radio.] *****

To Subscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To subscribe to the Network America e-wire you can also go to www.votefraud.org, then 
Daily E-wires on the home page, -- and then punch in your email near the topica logo.

What follows is a Crash Course on the Occupation Government Ruling America:

The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX), 
the AP wire service, and their two major papers (the New York Times and Washington 
Post) are making peaceful change impossible at the ballot box.

They are effecting this by protecting computerized VOTE FRAUD, that is -- elections 
easily rigged by computerized methods from centralized locations, -- by Big Media 
Censorship of many other aspects of this manipulation of America's future, -- and by 
Public Opinion Poll Fraud to convince Americans that the majority of people support 
the direct of the Occupation Government. . .. The Ruling Elite has also engineered an 
increasing flood of illegal aliens into the USA via their agents in both major 
political parties. Furthermore, the two major parties are officially sanctioning 
RIDICULOUS loopholes allowing these non-citizens to become registered voters . . .

President Kennedy talked about this:

"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." 
President John F Kennedy

The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are:

1) Massive coverage of the Ruling Elite's favored Candidates, coupled with ruthless 
Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion Polls jammed 
down the public throat for months before each national election;

2) phony exit polls published by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day 
through the sinister New York City-based company, Voter News Service, which company is 
jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and the AP wire. For 25 years, the major 
networks have conducted a HOAX competition to call winners and losers on election 
night -- and their hoax is thoroughly exposed on votefraud.org on the Home page in the 
section with the little Newsboy Guy called, "Voter News Service" -- and in our e-wires 
of Jan 24, 2000 on the 1996 Iowa Caucus, May 30, 2000 on "A House Without Doors", June 
17, 2000 "Vicki Collier vs. VNS", 8-25-00, a part of which deals with Senator Bob 
Smith's interview on C-Span about the VNS/TV Networks wrong call that he would lose 
his 1996 election.

3) and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the 
polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching 
or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing what is in 
the software program that instructs the computers how to count the votes.)

To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia 
know -- that we do not accept "Election results" until paper ballots with citizen 
checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level. The 
continuation of unverifiable, easily rigged computerized elections -- is planting the 
seeds for the necessity of Citizens of the USA to take other routes to restore honest, 
verifiable elections, as is their right, enunciated in the Constitution of the USA.

We have another list for those who wish to help fund 50 or more organizers around the 
US to rescue America, or fund their own work. This list is the Network America Funding 
Team list (NAFT) and you can subscribe to it by emailing to 

Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 

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