-Caveat Lector-

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale Stonehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On May 31, 1998, at a seminar in St. Paul, MN, Dr. Fred Bell provided the
> following information you may not have seen elsewhere in conspiracy
> literature:
> -- School shootings are being done by reincarnated members of Hitler's
> Youth, who were the last 15,000-20,000 people to die in World War II.

Wow. Nope, hadn't heard that one.

> -- Bees, which are too heavy to fly aerodynamically, use anti-gravity to
> stay aloft.

This is obviously untrue. Check here for the physics:


from link above:

"Until recently, however, an embarrassing gap has marred our understanding
of insect flight: scientists have had a difficult time explaining the
aerodynamics of how insects generate the forces needed to stay aloft.

"That difficulty has even made its way into an urban legend of science,
typically recounted as "a scientist 'proved' that a bumblebee can't fly" and
often cited as an inspiring example for persevering in the face of
overbearing dogma. The bumblebee story can be traced back to a 1934 book by
entomologist Antoine Magnan, who refers to a calculation by his assistant
André Sainte-Laguë, who was an engineer. The conclusion was presumably based
on the fact that the maximum possible lift produced by aircraft wings as
small as a bumblebee's wings and traveling as slowly as a bee in flight
would be much less than the weight of a bee.

"In the decades since 1934, engineers and mathematicians have amassed a body
of aerodynamic theory sufficient to design Boeing 747s and stealth fighters.
As sophisticated as these aircraft may be, their design and function are
based on steady-state principles: the flow of air around the wings and the
resulting forces generated by that flow are stable over time. The reason
insects represent such a challenge is that they flap and rotate their wings
from 20 to 600 times a second. The resulting pattern of airflow creates
aerodynamic forces that change continually and confound both mathematical
and experimental analyses."

> -- Between Scearcy and Batesville, AR, in a place called Joe Brown Valley,
> reside prehistoric beings such as Bigfoot. One tore the heads off 13 goats
> in a rampage.

Hmmm ... Chupacabra? Did this "Bigfoot" drink their blood, too?

> -- Hydrocarbons pollute air with positive ions. Without negative ions, the
> human body cannot reproduce its cells.

> -- (The late) Bill Cooper was a victim of NSC harassment. "He has a bad
> attitude and beats people up," said Bell. "But I love the man."
> -- "Bo Gritz is a friend of mine. He has been born again but I forgive him
> for that.""
> (The last two make an interesting juxtaposition since Gritz and the late
> Bill Cooper were bitter enemies, Cooper hating Gritz for his Masonic
> membership and Gritz questioning whether Cooper had any intelligence
> background at all.)

Hmmm ... can't really comment on that. Their intertwining stories make for a
great drama, but it's just *too* much drama to sift through ...

> -- Bell, who has connections in the intelligence community, has developed
> anti-gray device and used it to run them out of their Dulce underground
> base. One attacked him in the 4 corners area, coming within 100 feet in
> UFO at 300 mph before turning off. "I've been attacked by grays many times
> since I found their underground base," said Bell. "Once I got very sick
> my wife nearly died."

Hmmm ... nevertheless, the Four Corners area is quite interesting. Crown
Point, NM, mentioned by myself below, is in that area.

> -- The grays are "evolved insects" who have no individual soul but are
> trying to acquire them through research on humans they abduct at the
> level. Their blood is chlorophyll based and they come here every 12,000
> years when human consciousness reached a high point in its cycle. "They
> individual souls but it will never happen," Bell said.

No "soul?" Why would a sentient being without a "soul" want one or even
realize that it exists, if it really does at all? Sounds like the Tin Man
wanting a heart ... then realizing he had one anyway. Such intangibles ...

> -- The rate of abduction is highest among Native Americans. "They lose
> hundreds of kids, and 20,000 are abducted each year," said Bell, who has
> spent much time on the Indian Reservations of the American Southwest.

Now, this I find interesting, having grown up in the Southwest. Go hang out
in Crown Point, NM (Four Corners area), for a while and talk with some of
the people there. *Something* is going on, that's for sure.

> -- Bell became a contactee while working for the 3rd Reich in his last
> He was killed in 1942 and can remember the gun going off when he was shot.
> He was born in 1943 and spoke German at birth. He used to hang out with
> Hermann Goering and was buried with full honors by the 3rd Reich.

Hmmm ...

> -- Bell's father, who was killed by Nazis in Egypt while searching for
> artifacts, and Henry Ford were the best of friends. Hmmmm.

Hmmm is right. What's Bell's father's name?

> -- ELF frequencies, used for submarine communication, have toxic effects
> humans. It enters your house through the ground and attacks biosystems.
> refrigerator is a big culprit.

Could be. The military is actively studying this. And this study -
http://www.unc.edu/news/newsserv/research/mar00/savitz2031500.htm - is very

> -- Implants are used to produce mass shootings. One murderer in Texas was
> found to have 2 implants in his head.

That's interesting, too. Are there sources?

> -- Margaret Hapsburg of Palm Springs, CA, a Rothschild heir, had NSC
> security protection at the time of her husband's death in part because
> had four grays living with them. She inherited one-twelfth of a $4.3
> trillion estate. The NSC-NSA has an $80 billion budget.

Hmmm ....

> -- While in the US Air Force, Bell worked at Point Arena Radar Station in
> California, where they saw UFOs zooming at 20,000 mph every night on
> Each morning when they left their duty stations security guards would
> their DDS Form 332 which recorded the UFOs. Point Arena had the same radar
> array as Montauk Point on Long Island.

That's interesting, too. His duty must've been post-Blue Book.

> -- The Roswell UFO crash(es) were caused by radar at Kirtland AFB in
> Albuquerque.

Actually, I've heard that one before, and from some people in Roswell, no

- jt

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