-Caveat Lector-




Iraq's Tribes May Provide a Secret Weapon for Hussein

One of the largest groups could serve as a militia, complicating action by American 
The regime has nurtured them with aid.

By Michael Slackman
Times Staff Writer

October 14 2002

AL RASHEED, Iraq -- AL RASHEED, Iraq -- The Iraqi army, the Republican Guard and even
his Baath Party are among Saddam Hussein's main military forces. But one of the Iraqi
leader's secret weapons may well be a 72-year-old man who wears flowing desert robes
and lives with his family in this village just south of Baghdad.

He is Khudeir Abbas Hamdan Shwerid, a mild-mannered grandfather who, since age 15,
has been the leader, or sheik, of one of Iraq's largest tribes, the Abu Hamdan.

The sheik says the tribe has hundreds of thousands of members spread across Iraq --
people bound by birth to a group with roots stretching to the Omayyad Empire in the 7th
century. They are, at least for now, loyal to Hussein and are prepared to serve as a 
fighting foreign forces and as a national guard that could quell internal conflicts.

The Abu Hamdan are one small piece of a larger weapon. Hundreds of tribes are scattered
throughout this land. And whereas previous Iraqi rulers have tried to crush the tribes 
fear they would challenge their authority, Hussein has nurtured them, winning their 
favor with money and supplies.

No one is saying the tribes could match the firepower of the U.S. armed forces in the 
of an invasion, but they promise to complicate any military operation. Perhaps more
consequential to U.S. policymakers, the tribal system adds yet another balkanizing 
to a society already fractured along ethnic and religious lines. Should the Hussein 
fall, a replacement government would have to win the hearts of not only the Sunnis and
Shiites, the Kurds and Turkomans, but the hundreds of tribal leaders to whom they're 

"Yes, we will resist anyone who comes here, using our own weapons," Shwerid said while
seated inside a guest house he uses to greet tribal members who travel from around the
country seeking his help and advice. "The tribe is fully cooperating with the 

Conversely, if a significant number of tribes abandoned their fealty to the regime, a 
drive to
topple Hussein might be strengthened. But there is ample evidence that tribes could 
play a
crucial role in helping Hussein maintain his grip on power.

In 1991, after a U.S.-led coalition drove Iraqi forces from Kuwait, an armed uprising
erupted in the south. The Iraqis deny internationally accepted accounts that the 
revolt was
staged by Shiite Muslims, who constitute a majority in this nation ruled by Sunni 
The official Iraqi version is that Iranians staged the rebellion.

But whoever was responsible, the government acknowledges that it was the tribes,
including the Abu Hamdan, that helped restore order and, with the military, reaffirm
Hussein's control over the country.

The tribes proved themselves a valuable ally during the previous decade as well, when 
supplied tens of thousands of their members to help fight Iran in a war that stretched 
on for
eight years and left hundreds of thousands dead on both sides.

"The tribes are very influential," said Saad Naji Jawad, a political science professor 
Baghdad University.

Although Shwerid's tribe members are spread across the country, he maintains loyalty
through a system of family ties and honor that has been handed down for generations --
and also, he says, with a good deal of cash.

These are hard times for Iraqis, and the government cannot provide all the resources
people need to survive. Each month, Shwerid says, he gives an allowance to 1,000 needy
members of his tribe. He says he also routinely gives cash gifts to young men, so that 
can get what they need to marry.

In addition, Shwerid serves as a mediator in disputes, both civil and criminal. 
Although he is
careful not to place himself above national law, his followers often turn to him, 
rather than
the Iraqi courts, to resolve disputes. For example, if one person kills another on 
Shwerid will order the aggressor to pay the victim's family $7,000 in blood money.

So deep are the roots of tribal identity that they spread far beyond the reaches of 
agricultural villages like this one and into the heart of Baghdad, the capital.

"There is great respect for the tribes, even among those of us who live in the city," 
Eehab Rafe, 29, owner of an electronics shop in Baghdad's most upscale neighborhood. He
is a member of the Zobeida tribe, which hails from the northern city of Mosul.

Before Islam came to the Arabian Peninsula, about 1,400 years ago, the main source of
identity for many people was their tribe. Tribes provided a sense of community and 
order in
what could otherwise have been a lawless existence. Tribal members lived by a code of
conduct centered on pride and honor.

Even after Islam came to the Arab world, religion became intertwined with the 
way of life, particularly in countries such as Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, where 
identities were strong and central governments generally weak.

In 1958, when the British-backed monarchy was overthrown, Iraq's new rulers viewed the
tribal system as backward and primitive. The king had placed tribal leaders above the 
but the new government did not.

It was some time after the Baath Party took power in 1968 that the government turned to
the tribes as a means to help maintain internal cohesion -- and power, observers say.

Hussein's relationship with the tribes initially was cautious, since he was always 
of any organization that might have the ability to challenge his rule. Indeed, over 
the years,
various tribal factions moved against him. They got nowhere and were quickly crushed.

But after the 1991 Persian Gulf War, when Hussein was struggling to reassert his 
and hold his country together, he turned ever more sharply toward the tribes.

He offered them money, resources and an opportunity to exert influence. One of the 
that helped him earn their loyalty was the international trade sanctions placed on 
Iraq after
the war. Although the sanctions were intended as a short-term penalty to force Baghdad 
comply with U.N. resolutions, they have been in place for 12 years. As a result, 
tribes that
once were largely independent have had to turn to the government for help.

Shwerid, for example, lives in an agricultural community with 400,000 residents. They 
dates and potatoes, wheat and barley, tomatoes and cucumbers. But with sanctions in
place, it is hard to come by first-class seeds, or pesticides, or materials to build
greenhouses -- so the tribes turn to the president to get what they need.
If you want other stories on this topic, search the Archives at latimes.com/archives. 
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Copyright 2002 Los Angeles Times
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