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Auditors Say U.S. Agencies Lose Track of Billions

October 14, 2002

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 - Year after year, auditors studying
the financial records of federal government departments
find many of them so disorganized, even chaotic, that the
agencies cannot account for tens of billions of dollars.

What is more, when many agencies realize that they have
made major accounting errors, rather than looking back to
see where the money went, they simply enter
multibillion-dollar balance adjustments, writing off the

That is just one of many problems that auditors typically
find in annual financial statements of government agencies.
The 2001-2002 fiscal year ended Sept. 30, so government
agencies are preparing statements now.

In the last year, the Office of Management and Budget has
taken on the financial accounting problem in something like
an auditor's holy war. In a letter to Congress on Oct. 7,
Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., director of the budget office,
said the federal government's accounts would "never be
tolerated in the private sector," adding that "repair of a
system so badly broken will not happen overnight."

In part to embarrass the agencies so they will improve
their financial performance, the budget office early this
year began rating the 24 largest federal departments,
scoring each green, yellow or red. Green indicates that the
agency's financial systems are acceptable, yellow that they
are troubled but improving and red that there are serious,
chronic problems. In the most recent rating, completed in
June, only one agency was rated green, the tiny National
Science Foundation. Twenty were rated red.

The Department of Defense routinely makes the largest
financial blunders. In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30,
2000, auditors found, the department entered
unsubstantiated balance adjustments totaling $1.1 trillion.
That was an improvement over the previous year, when the
figure was $2.3 trillion.

"They just made the adjustments up," said a senior official
with the Defense Department's inspector general's office.

That does not mean $1.1 trillion is missing. Some
adjustments were deposits, others were debits. For example,
the Defense Finance and Accounting Service found last year
that its accounts were out of balance with the Treasury
Department, the bank, by $3.9 billion. Instead of
determining the source of the discrepancy, the service
simply entered a balance adjustment for that amount.
Hundreds of similar adjustments are behind the $1.1
trillion total.

Over all, the department's financial records are so chaotic
- the agency has more than 1,100 accounting systems - that
Congress advised the agency's auditors not to bother even
trying to audit them.

Three other federal agencies - the Agriculture Department,
NASA and the Agency for International Development - had
unauditable books in 2000-2001. But even many of the
agencies that received so-called clean audits - with books
well organized enough to be audited - had serious financial

The Internal Revenue Service, for example, is unable to
produce a hard figure for the amount of tax payments due
the government. Instead it runs a statistical sample of
taxes due and from that derives an estimate - an arduous
process that takes several months. That estimate is one of
the figures the government uses to plan spending for the

All told, for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, the Treasury
Department entered a balance deduction from the
government's general fund of $17.3 billion to make up for
financial errors throughout the government. The government
also recorded at least $33 billion in erroneous payments
last year, like improper Medicare payments of $12.1

"We have to pump money into the executive branch to help
them balance these things out," said Representative Steve
Horn, the California Republican who is chairman of the
House Subcommittee on Government Management.

Audits of the departments' financial statements for the
fiscal year 2001-2002 are due early next year.

For most of the nation's history, no one asked much of
government agencies in terms of financial accounting. The
Constitution said only that "a regular statement and
account of the receipts and expenditures of all public
money shall be published from time to time."

Early last century Congress passed laws prohibiting
government agencies from spending more than Congress
appropriated. These laws have not been entirely successful.
For example, in the 2000-2001 fiscal year the Forest
Service alone overspent its budget by $1.1 billion.

Starting in the 1990's, Congress began passing more
requirements. One law, in 1994, required each agency for
the first time to produce annual financial statements.
Those reports would be subject to audit, and in 1996, the
first year audited statements were due, only 6 of the 24
agencies produced statements that it was possible to audit.

An additional law, in 1996, required major agencies to
install a financial accounting system that could generate
auditable statements and give managers the ability to
examine the agency's situation before making decisions on
programs or policies - something they could not do.

Now, six years later, only the National Science Foundation
has a financial accounting system, and most of the major
agencies are still years away from attaining one.

As a result, the annual task of preparing a financial
statement is a Herculean effort involving hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of people at every level of a department, who
must pull together records of everything a department has
done over the year.

At the Internal Revenue Service, for example, "it's a
massive effort that begins in the mid-July time frame and
typically continues well into late January," said Steven
Sebastian, a senior official in the agency's inspector
general's office.

Several officials said this labor-intensive process
distracted from the agencies' principal work. The
Immigration and Naturalization Service, for example, "had
to count manually approximately five million immigration
applications" to determine fees due the government, said an
inspector general's report, adding that the work "shut down
production at several sites for more than a week and caused
delays in processing applications."

In the end, to make the books balance, agencies make
"billions of dollars in adjustments," the 2000-2001 audit
of the federal government said.

The government's financial rating system shows the
Department of Agriculture to be the worst managed major

The agency's financial statements are in such disarray that
they have been unauditable since 1994. But Edward R.
McPherson, the department's chief financial officer,
insisted in a recent interview that most of the problems
had been solved and that future audits would be much
improved. His predecessors have made similar assertions.

A senior auditor in the inspector general's office, while
acknowledging that "there have been changes" at the
department, added that "we won't know anything until we
complete the audit" early next year.

The audit for the 2000-2001 fiscal year, completed last
February, showed that the department made unsubstantiated
balance adjustments totaling $2.9 billion.

"I can't tell you what's in that figure," said the senior
auditor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "I don't
think they even know."

Behind it, audit reports show, is a department in financial
disarray. After seven years of trying, the Agriculture
Department recently completed installation of a financial
accounting system. But another inspector general's audit,
last summer, found the system to be largely dysfunctional
because of user errors and unauthorized modifications.

For example the system uses a "funds control" program to
limit spending to the budgeted amount. In 68 accounts, the
audit said, agency employees had overridden the control, or
not turned it on, leading to $1.3 billion in what was
apparently overspending. When auditors tried to view the
system's override log, to see how the overspending had
occurred, they found it turned off.

The system included a payment limit for each check of
$999,999. But users who could not be identified by auditors
had added a digit, changing the limit to $9,999,999.
Contrary to agency rules requiring approval from
supervisors, more than 2,200 agency employees had been
authorized to process certain payments with no oversight or
approval, raising the risk of fraud, auditors said. In
addition, 186 people who no longer worked for the
department still had approved access to the system.

The Forest Service, a division of the department, tries to
hold back money each year so it has money available to
fight forest fires. In 2001, as in most years, the service
could not figure out how much money it had available and
overspent by $274 million, auditors found.

At the end of the fiscal year, in a feverish and ultimately
futile effort to make the agency's books balance, the
Forest Service made 15,337 adjustments, credits and debits,
over several weeks. They totaled $11 billion. Auditors
examined 144 of those adjustments, totaling $7.9 billion,
and found that 73 percent were "unsupported, unapproved and


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