-Caveat Lector-


Iraq War Could Be a Toxic Nightmare

By Katherine Stapp, AlterNet
November 7, 2002

Major casualties of a war with Iraq would be the region's fragile
environment and the health of its inhabitants and combatants, if the last
Persian Gulf conflict is anything to judge by, arms experts and activists
Eleven years ago, both sides in the Gulf War left Kuwait's ecosystems in
chaos -- Iraq by torching oil wells as its soldiers retreated, and the
United States by littering the desert with thousands of rounds of depleted
uranium (DU) munitions.
DU is the trace element left over when uranium is enriched; most of the
highly radioactive types of uranium are removed for use as nuclear fuel or
nuclear weapons.
Deployed in the Persian Gulf in 1991 and in Kosovo in 1999, DU munitions are
prized for their high density and ability to punch through walls and
armoured vehicles.
According to the Washington-based Centre for Defence Information, the U.S.
has four weapons that rely on DU and that could be used in a future war with
Iraq: the A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft, the Apache and Cobra helicopters, and
the M1A1 Abrams Tank.
''These types of weapons will undoubtedly be used as Washington has made it
clear it wants to bomb bunkers and kill as many of the Iraqi government
leaders as possible,'' said John Catalinotto of the New York-based
International Action Center, a leading critic of DU.
''This would lead to an even greater amount of DU being spread around
Baghdad, this time, a city of five million people,'' he said.
Although the Pentagon insists that DU is not toxic or radioactive, many
Iraqi survivors of the Gulf War believe differently. The World Health
Organisation (WHO) notes that those most likely to be exposed to DU are aid
workers and local populations living and working in contaminated areas.
''The Gulf War is the only indicator for the increase of cancer in Iraq,''
Loua'i Latif Kasha, a pathologist and director of Baghdad's Mansour
Hospital, told Reuters news agency last week. ''The rate of cancer has risen
five- to seven-fold more than before 1991.''
''Radiation pollution from depleted uranium bombs by itself causes cancer
like leukaemia and thyroid,'' said Kasha.
Some Desert Storm veterans, who now suffer from disabilities and mysterious
illnesses, are leery of sending troops back to the region.
''Science has absolutely shown that the illnesses Gulf War veterans face are
not as a result of the stressors of war but as a result of exposures,
unapproved vaccines, unapproved pills and a myriad of other things that have
not yet been researched,'' said Steve Robinson, executive director of the
National Gulf War Resource Centre in Washington.
''Our government has ignored the Gulf War veteran experience of 1991. Will
America stand by and watch another tragic event occur that could be
avoided?'' he asked.
The Pentagon carried out numerous studies on DU, and concluded that it poses
no significant health threat. It has not changed its stance, despite years
of complaints from veterans groups.
Other independent experts also believe DU's toxicity has been exaggerated.
''In general, I think that these munitions are dangerous, but not for the
reasons many opponents have argued,'' said Stephen Schwartz, editor of the
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. ''They're not harmless, but the health and
environmental consequences of their use in the Gulf War and in Kosovo have
been overstated.''
Still, peace groups and veterans' associations point out that no adequate
explanation has ever been offered for the cluster of symptoms known as 'Gulf
War Syndrome'.
In April, the Veterans Administration released a report that found that
one-third of all troops sent to the Persian Gulf in 1991 have filed claims
for medical problems. About 9,600 of the 200,000 Desert Storm veterans have
died since the end of the war.
''While we were never sure which combination of factors caused the illness
of over 100,000 U.S. service people in the Gulf in 1991, many of the same
suspected factors will be present (in a future war),'' Catalinotto said.
''DU, widespread vaccinations, exposures to toxic materials destroyed by
U.S. bombs will all be there again.''
Aside from DU - and possibly the use of biological and chemical weapons -
environmentalists warn of more oil spills should U.S. forces invade Iraq,
which is sitting on at least 112 billion barrels.
When Iraqi forces pulled out of Kuwait in 1991, they ignited more than 700
oil wells. Eight months elapsed before the fires could be put out. The
resulting 10,000-square-mile cloud of soot darkened the sky to the point
that cars had to use their headlights in the daytime.
About 11 million barrels of oil were also deliberately dumped by Iraq into
the Arabian Gulf. A decade later, scientists assessing the damage found that
while ocean ecosystems had mostly recovered, 40 percent of Kuwait's fresh
water reserves were permanently ruined by lakes of oil that had seeped
through the sand.
Green Cross International estimated the total environmental damage suffered
by Kuwait at 40 billion dollars.
Environmental Media Services, which put out a fact sheet on the subject,
says it is unlikely that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein would torch his own
But the group notes that the size of the country and its oil wells would
make it much more difficult to extinguish burning oil fields there, should
they be ignited by a bombing campaign or for other reasons.
Some of the wells contain a significant amount of gas, and fire-fighters
have much more difficulty controlling and capping this type of high-pressure
well, the group says.

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