-Caveat Lector-


Americans imposing racist agenda

The Gazette

Friday, November 08, 2002

The United States is hell-bent on treating as a potential terrorist anyone
who is Muslim or Arab or, failing that, dark-skinned enough to pass for one.
And Canadians are being asked to go along with it.
Never mind that John Walker Lindh, the "American Taliban," is a white
American or that Richard Reid, the British shoe-bomber, was insufficiently
swarthy to attract airport security attention. Or that the men involved in
the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks had all entered the United States from
countries other than Canada.
American security forces are sticking by their decision that every Canadian
born in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Yemen or Sudan
must be fingerprinted and photographed if he or she travel to the U.S. For
reasons that remain unfathomable, Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham has
thrown in the towel and withdrawn a travel advisory for Canadians born in
those countries.
The danger of being born in one of these countries was made amply clear last
month when Canadian engineer and Ottawa resident Arar Maher vanished from a
New York airport while waiting for his connecting flight home to Canada. The
U.S, totally unrepentant, finally admitted deporting him to Syria, the
birthplace he had last seen at age 17.
Maher might never see Canada again because the U.S. has decided it can
unilaterally determine the fate of any individual on its territory,
regardless of international laws.
Canadian author Rohinton Mistry was luckier. He was not born in one of the
countries on the original list of terrorist hotbeds, and he is not Muslim,
so he was not arrested. He was, on the other hand, subjected to such
harassment while traveling on a book tour in the United States that he
canceled the second half of the tour.
Shortlisted for the Booker Prize earlier this year, the India-born Mistry
said, "The first flight we took, my wife and I, we were greeted by a ticket
agent who cheerfully told us that we had been selected randomly for a
special security check.
"Then it began to happen at every single stop, at every single airport. The
random process took on a 100-per-cent certitude."
Since it was only this week that American security forces added to their
list of terrorism suspects anyone born in Pakistan, India, South Africa,
Jamaica and a dozen other Commonwealth countries, Mistry's place of birth
was not the reason for him to be stopped.
U.S. security forces waved him over for special treatment because he has a
beard and is dark-skinned. That means that it will do no good not to include
a person's place of birth on his or her Canadian passport. You can't hide
the colour of your skin.
Canadians have always felt like they exist at a safe distance from the
racism that still pervades U.S. life. Not any more. People whose business
requires that they travel to the U.S. have to go. I'm not sure the rest of
us need to give our tourist or consumer dollars to a country prepared to
trample over the civil rights of our countrymen.
Americans have the right to secure their borders. They do not have the right
to impose a racist agenda on the rest of the world. The thing with racial
profiling is you can only stop once you've turfed every single member of the
profiled group out of the country or into a camp, much like what happened to
the Japanese during World War II in the U.S. and Canada. We were supposed to
have learned something from that miscarriage of justice.
The other problem with racial profiling is that it's ridiculous. It achieves
nothing. Twenty per cent of the world's population is Muslim. What are the
Americans going to do? Set up files on billion individuals and then
persecute any of them who dares set foot on Americian soil?
And we're supposed to go along with this? I don't think so.
© Copyright  2002 Montreal Gazette


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