For some reason after

./Setup configure --configure-option=--target=i486-pc-nto-qnx8.0.0 --configure-option=--build=i686-linux-gnu --configure-option=--host=i686-linux-gnu --hsc2hs-option=--cross-safe --hsc2hs-option=--cross-compile --hsc2hs-option=--cc=qcc

run on the network library (with my QNXNTO GHC cross-compiler) when I run ./Setup build, then hsc2hs is still passed --cc=/usr/bin/gcc as the first switch. My --cc=qcc gets tacked on to the end of the arugments, but hsc2hs ignores it, forcing me to hack dist/setup-config.

I would like to solve this "right", but even having hsc2hs accept multiple --cc and using the last one would work in this case.

Stephen Paul Weber, @singpolyma
See <> for how I prefer to be contacted
edition right joseph

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