On 8 December 2012 20:36, Stephen Paul Weber <singpol...@singpolyma.net> wrote:
> For some reason after
> ./Setup configure --configure-option=--target=i486-pc-nto-qnx8.0.0
> --configure-option=--build=i686-linux-gnu
> --configure-option=--host=i686-linux-gnu --hsc2hs-option=--cross-safe
> --hsc2hs-option=--cross-compile --hsc2hs-option=--cc=qcc
> run on the network library (with my QNXNTO GHC cross-compiler) when I run
> ./Setup build, then hsc2hs is still passed --cc=/usr/bin/gcc as the first
> switch.  My --cc=qcc gets tacked on to the end of the arugments, but hsc2hs
> ignores it, forcing me to hack dist/setup-config.
> I would like to solve this "right", but even having hsc2hs accept multiple
> --cc and using the last one would work in this case.

The ./Setup program is passing the selected gcc to hsc2hs, so if you
want to use a different gcc, then use --with-gcc=whatever, and then
./Setup will also pass that on to hsc2hs.

Now if you need to use one gcc in one place, and another gcc in
another because of the way you want to cross compile, then yes that is
not supported. The ./Setup has no notion of multiple sets of toolchain
programs for host vs target. Fixing that properly would be the way to
go, but not trivial.


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