From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>By Terry Pendrous,
>                                 Interesting article and actually quite
>relevent for another reason.  A year or so ago, I mentioned this to one of
>our local Police Constables, that it would be prudent to do so for their own
>preservation. My reasoning being, that suppose they were asked to react to
>an ongoing local Burglary or Breaking and Entering!! Wouldn't it be in more
>than their own interest to know if the residence in question was covered by
>an FAC, for obvious reasons. Anyway, they took this on board and I think
>that they do now have such an arrangement.
        --rest snip--

        Steve, & Terry,

        Before I launch into this, let me state that I fully comprehend
the differences in our thinking regarding the possession of arms.
        That said, allow me the thought that any cop -- regardless of the
nation which s/he happens to be serving in -- should <always> be of the mind
that s/he is a target of opportunity.
        Approaching anyone, anyplace, at anytime is at best a proposition
that entails violence in some degree. To presume otherwise is to presume
that you are invulnerable, or that everything is just fine with the world, and
that violence is the last thing on the mind of whomever.

        So, it matters not one iota that you have a list of who has what.
        All that list does is tell you who the law abiding are.
        Approaching a residence that presumably has a quantity of arms
is setting in mind the idea that you are going to <expect> some sort 
of possible
altercation involving arms.
        That isn't -- in my mind -- the general idea of what a cop is supposed
be thinking when approaching a residence.
        The idea is that <every> approach should be done with due caution.
        This is important, because if the idea is planted beforehand that
a resident or other person is possibly armed and deadly, that sets up 
the cop to
believe that violence is more <likely> -- an important distinction.
        If the incident that you are about to investigate presets your thinking
that violence is likely, then you might see things that aren't there, 
like the wooden
leg that looks to be a rifle.
        Scientific tests have proven endlessly that the human mind 'sees' what
it wants to see. All the better for the cops to be trained to react 
in a predetermined
manner, so that no matter what the realities are, the facts and the 
truth coincide.


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