> seems they can't even keep track of who actually alive,
> let alone who's got a certificate....

Well, this leads on to another funny story concerning a 
certain Northern force. My Grandfather died about six 
years ago at the time he owned a .22 revolver and a .22 
rifle. In the end the guns ended up on my cert, via if I 
recall a temporary cert issued to my Grandmother. 
Anyway, months later my Grandmother gets a visit from 
a uniformed copper asking why my Grandfather hadn't 
renewed his cert. This was after I had got them on my 
cert, the reason for the variation being that they had 
come from my Grandfather after his death. Didn't anyone 
think that they may just have to record this information on 
Grandads file?

Jonathan Laws
And the Government reckons registering every gun in
a central database is workable!  The mind boggles.


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