From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

><<Small protest at first hunt of season
>A small group of saboteurs has descended on a hunt meeting in West Kent and
>tried to disrupt it.>>
>Its always been a source of wonder to me as to why the hunts never picket
>the ALF homes or meeting places.
>It would be absolutely lawful provided the tresspass laws were adhered to,
>and no public order offences were committed.
>Field sports participants seem content to sit back and take it, or
>pontificate about how aggrieved they are by the actions of the saboteurs,
>Could it be that the antis are better organised than us? Or are they more
>Imagine the publicity if even a small band of field sports persons were to
>demonstrate at the home of a saboteur?
>(or could it be that being unemployed and living off state benefits gives
>them the time and means to go all over the place causing

        Steve, & IG,

        Sorry if this comment seems a bit dated, considering the date it
was sent out. But I wanted to remark on it with all the thoughts that it
        The people who engage in anti-activities, are usually those who
have not given much thought to what it is that they are against. It matters
little -- to them -- that what they don't like and agitate against, has been
engaged in from time immemorial. It matters only that they be 'seen' as
adamantly against the thing which currently occupies their nascent
conscience of yet another moral dilemma in their desire to 'god-like'.

        These people are so easily lead down the primrose path, that
the description 'running like a lemming to the cliff of death' is an 
description of their condition.
        Most of them, 20 years from now, will blush in embarrassment
at the mention of having engaged in such activities, as were described
by IG above. These are people who lack a proper moral or intellectual
compass, and are drifting. They latch onto the easiest and most negative
message, as it easily matches their preconceived notions about what it is
that humans are here for, what it is that humans have done to poor Mother
Earth (or in newspeak: Ghia, or however it is that you which to spell that),
and what the true roll is for humans.
        These people say they love the earth, but hate humans. If they
had their way, all humans but the approved ones would be 'eliminated'.

        Some writers have described them as fostering  a polity otherwise
known as 'watermelon politics', or green on the outside, and red on the
inside: green to reflect their most vociferous concerns for the environment,
and red to reveal their truer nature as concerns what it is they are really
after: total control over humanity.

        They might get it, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, if enough
people are gullable enough to believe the message of hate.
        And hate is the message.
        You just don't control the things that you love, but it is very
human to control the things that you hate and cannot eliminate.


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