From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Probably because so few police weapons are now easy to
sell in the UK.

What's the second hand value of a semi-auto MP5 or a
Glock or SiG pistol when well worn and on the open
(i.e. international) market?  Probably not much.

You can't sell them in the UK as we can't own them
(unless they are deactivated of course).  If you export
them or sell them to a dealer they are probably going
to cost even more than destroying them.


You're forgetting about trade-ins, the police often did
trade in their old guns for new ones, and then the dealer
would either deac the old ones or export them.

You're also assuming the police dispose of guns that
are well-worn, they don't, I know of one police force
whose definition of "well worn" is moderate holster
wear, so they ditch them before they rust.  Reparkerise
and you have a decent gun.

And the final incorrect assumption is that none of them
can be legally owned by civilians, the police have
a lot of shotguns and rifles that are perfectly legal
for us to own, but they are chopping them all up.  For
example, I was in line to buy a police surplus P-H
bipod, but instead it has been melted down because of
this stupidity.

It's a complete and utter waste of taxpayer money.

Anyone who has some evidence of other police guns being
destroyed because of this policy feel free to let me
know.  Bear in mind this is merely an ACPO policy, it
has no legal standing, how ACPO can dictate the
expenditure of my tax money is beyond me.


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