From:   "David M", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Perhaps someone should remind Robin Cook and his erstwhile colleagues at
UN that, in the last recorded case of genocide, in Rwanda, the large
majority of the 1 million or so people murdered were beaten to death with
sticks or cut to pieces with machetes or similar heavy duty knives."

In 1991, shortly after we arrived in Nairobi, my wife and I went to what
used, in Britain, to be called an Ironmongers shop to buy a panga (machete).
We were shown several poorly made local items and some from China and then
the salesman said "but if you want best quality then we have these"... and
produced a well made and absolutely lethal looking weapon of Provenance
....Birmingham, England! Due to the cost I expect the majority of Rawandan
machetes were local or Chinese but it's quite possible that the better off
murdering thugs were armed with British made weapons. I wonder if Mr Cook is
aware of this?


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