Lothar Brendel wrote:
> Unfortunately the situatiuon with ``startxwin.bat'' is worse now:
> * ``checkX -t 12'' still doesn't wait (?!?)

I can't reproduce this.

> * After again inserting a sleep between checkXing and starting the
> xterm, the latter is marginally successful: The process is shown as
> running but no xterm is showing up :-(

That's an xterm/XWin issue.

> I really would investigate this further, but I only get diagnostic
> output from ``checkX'' (--verbose or --debug) when running it from
> within an xterm, and that's obviously pointless.
> Thus, how to obtain output from ``checkX`` in Windows' Command Prompt,
> how to get it in Cygwin's "bash window"?

checkX --notty --debug -t 12


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