Timares, Brian (Patriot) wrote:


Nothing works.  1.7 doesn't work for me out-of-the-box (yes, I ripped
it all out and tried it fresh :-)

I open a DOS box and check processes and see bash running with an l or
a 1 in the left columnn, but nothing appears.  If I launch an Xterm
it opens up.  It seems some of the login thing happen, but when I add
in my ssh-agent starting script, since it requires input, it fails
(http://mah.everybody.org/docs/ssh is the script I use).

Any other ideas?

Doen't look like the issue http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2009-11/msg00174.html to me.

My guess: It's the old checkX-problem again because you're using version 0.3.0-1 of the run2-package. Do to some reason unknown to me, that's the default version. But we need 0.3.1-1, which you only get when explicitely (triple-)clicking its circular double-arrow (how's that thingy called BTW?) in the Utils category.

Maybe Chuck can tell why we don't get the new version as default.


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