Timares, Brian (Patriot) wrote:
Just to be clear from the start, Cygwin 1.7 not 1.5.



i) ```time checkX -t 12''
How long does it take?

vhaisbtim...@isb-timaresbrian-lt ~
$ time checkX -t 12

real    0m0.098s
user    0m0.046s
sys     0m0.031s

And *that* shouldn't happen!

I don't quite get your VPN setup, but it being active *may* cause a delay in getting up the X server, and that *may* cause xterm to "loose its patience".

ii) ``startxwin.sh''
Any messages?

Yes, see below, but after reviewing it all I tried it with various
items on and
off and having the One-VA VPN client (Cisco VPN Client 5) off makes
the difference.
It is odd, though, that if I run startxwin.sh again, it works the
second time, even though the VPN is on.

Not really, I think. The message

xterm Xt error: Can't open display:

indicates that xterm didn't find the X server being up. And the reason is ``checkX'' not doing its job, namely waiting until it is really up.

If you then start ``startxwin.sh'' again, it complains about an X server already being up, but at least xterm can finally connect.

Thus, once more: What does
   md5sum /usr/bin/checkX

a827086e9cbb331ef49d416b3cb1b135 or a36409714f5ce9d01e8dfb4cb38b7216?


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