Am 24.02.2010 23:56, schrieb Kenneth Wolcott:
Hi Holger;

1. Do you have a .xinitrc in your home directory? (try ls -la )
If so, delete it.

   I do not have a ~/.xinitrc in either /home/kwolcott

2. Will it start if you manually enter startx in a cygwin shell?

   I was able to start twm using startx without any problem, but I
would like have KDE (yes I know it is much more heavy than twm)
   I would like to use some KDE-based utilites (konsole and that time
manager I keep forgetting the name of);

2. If you don't change /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, can you start the X Server
with startx using twm?


In your first mail you said you wanted to start openbox as a window manager, now you talk about kde. That are two different things.

What happens if you start openbox in a bash shell without starting a X-Server first?

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