Am 25.02.2010 12:18, schrieb Yaakov (Cygwin/X):
On 2010-02-25 04:25, Holger Krull wrote:
I can confirm problems with openbox. It does not start everytime i try
on my computer and i get the same behavior that you described, a short
view of the black background.

Openbox is just a window manager.  If that's all you have in ~/.xinitrc,
you won't see anything because there are no windows for the WM to decorate.

I know that. Sorry for being to short with the description.
The X-Server dies when openbox starts, and it shouldn't do that, even without a window manager. But i see this only every tenth attempt to start openbox, while the original poster seems to have this every time.

And I changed /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, no ~/.xinitrc

Interestingly, putting openbox at the end of the start script and doing

exec openbox-session >/tmp/openbox.log 2>&1

seems to stop that, but i haven't tried enough to be sure.

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