On 13/04/2010 00:52, Dan Tsafrir wrote:
On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 00:39, Jon TURNEY wrote:
I've conducted a few repeated measurements and it looks as though
setting LANG to be en_US somewhat reduces the start time of emacs-x11:
instead of ~30 seconds with LANG=C.UTF-8, it take ~27 seconds
LANG=en_US. While this is ~10% less, waiting 27 seconds for emacs to
open still seems unreasonable.

Any other ideas?


You don't have any emacs fonts being set via ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources?

Actually, I do. However, following the suggestion of Ken Brown


I've invoked emacs with -Q (and also, just to make sure, removed my
~/.Xdefaults). It did not change anything: emacs still takes ~30
seconds to open.

The mechanism that loads ~/.Xdefaults into the X server resource database is nicely obscure, so I'm not sure that -q actually avoids that.

The definitive way to check would be to move ~/.Xdefaults aside, restart the X server then start emacs (I'm not sure if your clean install test would have done this or not)

Another thing which might be worth trying is to see if the behaviour changes in a non-UTF-8 locale, e.g. export LANG=C and then run emacs.

So far it seems that (1) emacs takes a long time to start up (2) xterm starts up quickly. Are there other X applications that you use and how do they behave?

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