On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 10:17, Dan Tsafrir <da...@cs.technion.ac.il> wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 17:22, Jon TURNEY <jon.tur...@dronecode.org.uk> wrote:
>> [snip]
>> So far it seems that (1) emacs takes a long time to start up (2) xterm
>> starts up quickly.  Are there other X applications that you use and how do
>> they behave?
> [snip]
> opening xclock takes nearly 30 seconds (half user time, half system time).
> So, as you speculated, it turns out this is not just an emacs problem.

I wasn't able to strace emacs, but I am able to strace xclock (brining
it up, which when strace-ing takes several long minutes on my netbook,
and then immediately killing it).

The output is at:

Maybe this would provide a clue.

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