On 07/10/2014 03:31, Chris Carlson wrote:
I've discovered that the constant glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass is set to
0.  It's supposed to be defined as:

WidgetClass glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass=(WidgetClass)&glwDrawingAreaClassRec;

Can I ask you to please provide some more details as to how you made this discovery?

If you do this:

$ cat glw-test.c
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <GL/GLwDrawA.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   printf("glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass %p", glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass);

then you could reach that conclusion:

$ gcc glw-test.c ; ./a
glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass 0x0

but this isn't testing correctly as glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass isn't marked as extern in GLwDrawA.h

$ cat glw-test.c
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <stdio.h>

extern WidgetClass glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass;

int main()
   printf("glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass %p", glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass);

$ gcc glw-test.c -lGLw ; ./a
glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass 0x5bd8e3640

Is it broken?

I don't know.

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