On 13/10/2014 02:48, Chris Carlson wrote:
I have a fairly large program that I developed on Fedora Linux.  It uses
glwDrawingAreaClassRec to create a GL window.  I attempted to compile
and run it on Cygwin, and I got the failure.

I added a print statement just before calling XtCreateManagedWidget()
and discovered the value was 0 on Cygwin and an address on Linux.  I
presumed that meant there was an issue.

To get around the problem, I downloaded the source from Mesa and
compiled it myself.  The .a that was generated identifies the following
(using nm):

0000000000000640 D glwDrawingAreaClassRec
0000000000000728 D glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass

I then compared it to /lib/libGLw.dll.a and got this:

nm /lib/libGLw.dll.a | grep DrawingAreaClass
0000000000000000 I __imp_glwMDrawingAreaClassRec
0000000000000000 I __nm_glwMDrawingAreaClassRec
0000000000000000 I __imp_glwDrawingAreaClassRec
0000000000000000 I __nm_glwDrawingAreaClassRec

Unfortunately, this isn't telling you anything useful as the __imp import symbols are fixed up at run-time.

Now I tried compiling your test program and found that it did work as
you showed, but I then added the include of GLwDrawA.h, and it fails.
This doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, and it doesn't seem right.

The issue is that without the extern, the declaration of glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass is also a 'tentative definition'

If there are no other references to symbols in libGLw, then that tentative definition (with a value of 0) will be used by ld as the definition.

(Linking with a shared library on linux is more relaxed)

What do you think?  If I want to use the GLwDrawingAreaWidgetClass, I
would presume that I should include the corresponding header file and
the class would be defined.

On 07/10/2014 14:50, Jon TURNEY wrote:
but this isn't testing correctly as glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass isn't marked as 
extern in GLwDrawA.h

Sorry, I should have said something like 'it's a bug that glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass isn't marked as extern in GLwDrawA.h'

So, something like the following attached patch to GLwDrawA.h is needed.

Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

--- GLwDrawA.h.bak      2014-10-13 13:00:18.140625400 +0100
+++ GLwDrawA.h  2014-10-13 13:01:06.581762300 +0100
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 typedef struct _GLwMDrawingAreaClassRec        *GLwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
 typedef struct _GLwMDrawingAreaRec     *GLwMDrawingAreaWidget;
-GLAPI WidgetClass glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
+extern GLAPI WidgetClass glwMDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
 typedef struct _GLwDrawingAreaClassRec *GLwDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
 typedef struct _GLwDrawingAreaRec      *GLwDrawingAreaWidget;
-GLAPI WidgetClass glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
+extern GLAPI WidgetClass glwDrawingAreaWidgetClass;
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