On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 08:06:19AM +0200, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>Hallo Christopher,
>Am Montag, 14. Oktober 2002 um 17:58 schriebst du:
>> On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 10:24:57AM -0500, Gary R Van Sickle wrote:
>>>I'm still having these sorts of problems with Perl 5.8 and Cygwin1.dll
>Can you recompile perl and see if it still happens?
>> Cygwin's memory footprint has changed.  Patches gratefully accepted.
>Can you publish some detailed information about this?

This is the same old problem that has always existed with cygwin fork
and perl, AFAICT.  There is no guaranteeing that a dll which is loaded
into a specific location in a parent will be loaded into the same
location in the child.

Cygwin tries to force loading in the proper place but sometimes Windows
doesn't allow this.  In some cases Windows allocates memory in the child
where we'd like to locate a DLL.  There isn't much that I can think of
to fix that other than to rebase the dlls.  And, even that doesn't work

I don't know what changed in cygwin to cause allocation to happen
differently.  Maybe it was the addition of a new shared memory location
for console information.

Anyway, the code in question that tries to fix things up with dll loading
is in dll_init.cc.



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