On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 07:19:10AM -0400, Jason Tishler wrote:
>On Mon, Oct 14, 2002 at 10:24:57AM -0500, Gary R Van Sickle wrote:
>> I've never manually done anything with rebasing etc.
>Nevertheless, rebasing should solve this problem.  I encourage you to
>try it and report your findings to the list.

Looking at the load address of the dlls in question, I'm not sure that
rebasing will solve the problem.  "Something" happened to cygwin to
cause it to allocate memory in forked processes at locations that are
commonly occupied by DLLs.  Unfortunately, it's very difficult to figure
out from a random block of memory what is causing the problem.

If rebasing does solve the problem, that will be a clue at least.


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