On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 10:51:44PM +0100, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> John Morrison wrote:
> >On Mon, February 28, 2005 12:19 pm, Stephan Petersen said:
> >
> >>Hi Gerrit,
> >>
> >>thanks for your and all the others' replies.
> >>
> >>
> >>>- The CPAN repository and build directory *must* reside in a path
> >>> mounted in binmode:
> >>>
> >>>   mount -s -b -f c:/cygwin/home/username/.cpan /home/username/.cpan
> >>>   mount -u -b -f c:/cygwin/home/username/.cpan /home/username/.cpan
> >>
> >
> >Could something along these lines be done in the postinstall for perl? 
> >(Only if the mount doesn't exist of cause...)
> The user may want to use a different directory as repository and build
> directory.  It should be done during the initial configuration, however
> I'm not sure if is worth the time to implement it.  Since there are two
> or three rreports about this issue in a year shows that Joe User is
> actually reading the README *or* is not using textmode mounts.

If they want a different directory, it still doesn't hurt to force ~/.cpan
to binmode (except in so far as it uses up the AIUI limited number of
mounts).  I'd advocate putting it in a postinstall script.

> Anyway: PTA,
> Gerrit

/me looks around, certain that that *can't* have been addressed to me :)

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