Eric Blake wrote:
I don't know it this was unique to my machine, but am
reporting it in case anyone else runs into the same
issue.  When running Microsoft update today, on Win2k,
the patch for Security Update for DirectX 9 for Windows
2000 (KB904706) hung during installation, with an
instance of cygrunsrv hogging 100% CPU, until I had
stopped every last one of my cygrunsrv processes.  I
don't know what the Microsoft update was trying to do
to running services during the update, but it obviously
didn't interact very well with cygrunsrv.

Anyways, since stopping everything allowed the installation
to proceed, and the required reboot brought up a working
system, I don't know if it is worth trying to patch cygrunsrv
to behave nicer in the presence of whatever the Windows
upgrade was throwing at it.  Rather, I'm just posting this
as a sort of FYI for anyone else that might encounter the
same behavior.

I updated 3 machines: 2 XP boxes an 1 Win2k box. All 3 were running cygrunsrv and sshd. I only experienced problems on the Win2k box. cygrunsrv hogged the cpu until I killed it, then sshd hogged the cpu until I killed it. After killing those processes, the update proceeded without issue and after the restart everything (including ssh) was working fine.

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