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Faustine, Morlock:
> Bomb components, silly. "Everything" was in the "bomb", capiche? Common
> usage, as found on the web:

>The point of the exercise was to underline the disinformation content. If you
>argue this, then you should provide an example of a bomb which has sulphuric
>acid and sodium cyanide as components. 

Fine. I already mentioned the first WTC bomb, how about this from the Aum cult:

"Later that evening, station staff at Shinjuku were alerted to a burning bag in
one of the public restrooms. The flames were doused with water but the bag
began to emit noxious fumes. The fire department arrived and finally rendered
the device inactive. Later when police examined the device, they found that it
contained two condoms containing the chemicals, sodium cyanide and sulfuric
acid. The device was simply designed so that when the acid had eaten through
the first condom it would mix with the contents of the second, creating
hydrogen cyanide, a deadly gas that had been used by the Nazis in their
extermination of the Jews."

Or how about this:


"...a glass cylinder about one liter in volume which is divided into two
chambers: one containing liquid sulphuric acid, the other a powder of either
potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide. If broken, the resulting mixture yields a
very volitile and lightweight yet invisible cloud of hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN)
which will quickly interfere with his breathing. The odor is almost
imperceptible, but faintly resembles bitter almonds. Within seconds, it becomes
difficult to hold one's breath or to breathe normally. Within one minute,
respiration stops. Within five minutes, heart failure occurs. 

There is no known way to detect these capsules. The most prudent diggers insist
on wearing a gas mask with a respirator impregnated with metal salts at all

Anything else?

Accusing people of sending John deliberate military misinformation is a 
serious thing, hardly something to throw around without without doing a little
investigation beforehand. Why chalk up to evil what's best explained by error
and stupidity? I still think the passage looks like it was written by a hack, 
ref. the capitalization of "Urea Nitrate." Clumsy, but the substance stands.



He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that
will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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