"Kevin S. Van Horn" wrote:
> Tyler Durden wrote:
> > Black leadership is one potential issue here, but the other ethnic
> > groups that do so well in the US have no identifiable leaders here.
> Which is precisely why those ethnic groups do so well,  while U.S.
> blacks do not.
> The value of "leaders" is vastly overrated in American society. 

Same over here in London.

I'm a white, English, middle-class sort of bloke.

Who are my "community leaders"?

The parish priest? The borough councillors?  The landlord of the pub?
The member of parliament? The head teacher of the local school? All of
whom, apart from the publican, I helped to appoint, and none of whom I
feel in the slightest way deferential to or look up to for "leadership"
whatever that is.

Who are my "community leaders"? It's just a silly question. No-one would
ask it. 

Ken Brown

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