To: "Sterling D. Allan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Subject: Re: Editorial: Liberals Packing Heat

On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, Sterling D. Allan wrote:

:SUBJECT: Liberals' Bodyguards Packing Heat
:It just occurred to me that some of the top dog liberals who are for gun
:control cart around with them a bodyguard contingent packing more heat than
:the police force of a small town.
:If they truly believe in getting rid of guns, why don't they start with the
:guns of their body guards?

They [obviously] don't believe in "getting rid of guns": they believe in
getting rid of OUR guns.

:You may say, "But they are important figures whose lives are endangered by
:crazy people who might try to kill them!"

No, actually.  I'd be more inclined to say something like "they are
highly visible hypocrites and thieves whose lives are endangered by the
rage of those they have screwed (and who rightfully seek revenge)".

:Are we not all important in the eyes of God.  Why can't the common citizen
:also have the right to protect his person?

Because then the common person would have the means to protect his
*property* as well, and it would be that much harder for "authorities" to
act with impunity (illegal taxation; random police stops for "DWB [driving
while black]"; heavily armed forcible searches with small armies of hooded
"police" who care not if they have the right house, or even the "right" to
"search" in this way; "forfeiture laws" which allow the state to take
whatever they want, WITHOUT ANY FORM OF DUE PROCESS; etc..)

:Isn't this a double standard?

You bet your ass it is.

:I vote we keep the second amendment in tact.

What second amendment?  Wake up buddy: it's gone.  Along with the rest of
them - you want them back?  Better get ready to fight for them...  Hmmmm,
how are you going to do that *without guns*???  See: this is the most
important reason for them to push "gun control" -- so that those few who
have woken from the sheeple dream and seen the truth have no physical way
to attempt to regain their rights through the only avenue with any real
chance of success [armed revolution].  

Throughout history, every dictatorship has practiced arms [gun]
confiscation and regulation in order to impede reactionary / revolutionary
backlashes from their crimes - from Ceasar through Hitler, Stalin, and

:Sterling D. Allan

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

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