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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Ta'anis 008: Praying for more than one thing

Gedaliah asked:

It is my understanding that one can add both a prayer for forgiveness and for 
livelihood in the daily shema-kolenu, which fits well with the explanation 
given, but in my yom kippur machzor, for example, the kedushah of mussaf says 
we can insert ONLY ONE personal prayer for EITHER sustenance, divine 
inspiration, OR righteous children. Why only one prayer here?
much appreciation...
The Kollel replies:

I have been unable to find the reference you mention in the Yom Kipur Machzorim 
that one should not insert more than one personal prayer, and I would be 
grateful if you could let me know in which Machzor this is cited.

However, my conjecture is that the reason for the above might possibly be 
nothing to do with our Gemara.  The issue here may be a different one.  There 
is a bit of discussion among the commentaries whether on Rosh Hashanah one 
should make personal requests in the Tefilah.  See Kuntres Avodas ha'Tefilah on 
Rosh Hashanah by Rabbi Mayer Birnbaum Shlita of Passaic, NJ p.36 (in the Hebrew 
edition) note 40 who cited the Magid Tzedek from which it appears that one 
should not make any additional requests on Rosh Hashanah, apart from those that 
Chazal instituted, which are chiefly asking that the whole world should 
recognize the kingdom of Heaven.  On p.37 he cited the Shelah ha'Kadosh who 
says the same thing.  However, in contrast, he also reports that Rav Chaim 
Kanievsky Shlita wrote in the name of the Chazon Ish that Rosh Hashanah was 
fixed in order to make any requests that one wants.

Yom Kipur is also the Day of Judgement and the principal Mitzvah of the day is 
to ask for forgiveness for our sins.  Therefore it may be that even according 
to the commentaries who permit making personal requests on Yom Kipur, 
nevertheless they also agree that one should try and limit this.  This might be 
the reason that the Machzor says one should only insert one personal prayer.

Kol Tuv,
D. Bloom

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