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 brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
 Rosh Kollel: Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
Chagigah 003: Deaf and Dumb?
Dr. Mark May asks:
As one who spent his professional career as a
physician caring for the hearing impaired this Sugya presents issues for me.
Until 100 years ago it was a commonly held notion
that a deaf-mute was mentally incompetent and
committed for life to an INSANE ASYLUM.
Hearing impairment can be treated with a variety
of approaches depending on the type… cleaning out
wax , hearing aids , cochlear implants, sign
language, lip reading and combinations.
I have no issue with the Torah’s standards set
for the performance of mitzvot. My objection is
the reference to the Deaf-mute and mental incompetence.
It is interesting to me that my sensitivity may
be related to my professional experience but it
is concerning that this issue is a non issue to
my Torah Teachers and learning partners. 
I accept the "It is because it is" approach, but
object to the response "it is because it is"
without an interest in introducing modern
concepts to better understand the Torah Concepts.
Thank you,
Dr. Mark May
The Kollel replies*:
Dear Dr. May,
When approaching the Sugya of 'Da'as', we must
keep in mind that we are not discussing the
subject of intellectual acuity.  For example, I
am sure you are familiar with minors that boast
remarkable intellectual prowess. The Gemara in
Avodah Zarah 56b speaks about a 6-year old who
knew the laws of Avodah Zarah so well that the
Chachamim would advise with him regarding
Halachic issues.  Nonetheless, Chazal tell us
that even child prodigies lack the quality known
as 'Da'as' and therefore they cannot be punished
in court, they are exempt from Mitzvos, they cannot make Kinyanim etc.
Chazal do not say that a Cheresh is mentally
deficient. Rather, they tell us that he lacks
Da'as, just like a very intelligent youngster.
It is impossible for us to define and measure the
quality called Da'as, as an IQ test or anything
of the sort will not help, as mentioned above.
(Perhaps it is some spiritual quality
altogether.) Therefore we cannot second-guess
Chazal, who teach us that a Cheresh lacks it.
The source for their information was not hands-on
observation, but rather extrapolations and
exegetical inferences from verses in the Torah,
and a Mesorah stretching back to Har Sinai.
Yonasan Sigler

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