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      brought to you by Kollel Iyun Hadaf of Yerushalayim
             Rosh Kollel Rabbi Mordecai Kornfeld
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Shabbos 131b: Kal va'Chomer to eat Matzah on Sukos
Levi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked: 
>>Why don;t we make a kal vechomer that surely pesach where you have to eat
>>matzah and u don't sit in a sukkah, yet you have to eat matzah...surely
>>sukkos where u have to sit in a sukkah u should have to eat matzah!?!?! <<
To which the kollel replied:
>>Actually, the Gemara links Sukos to Pesach with a Gezeirah Shavah
>>(Shabbos 131b). If so, even a Pircha should not stop us from applying the
>>laws of Pesach to Sukos. Why then is there no Mitzvah of Matzah on Sukos
>>(or sitting in a Sukah on Pesach)? Apparently the implication of the very
>>verses that teach the Mitzvos of Matzah and Sukah is that these Mitzvos
>>apply *only* seven days of the year, and no more (see Shemos 12:15;
>>Vayikra 23:42 etc.).<<

Levi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> comments:

it happens to be it is the toras kananim's question and he gives a drasha
for it. 

levi, brooklyn ny 
The Kollel replies:

Thank you, Levi, for pointing out the Toras Kohanim (Emor, Perek 11:2;
12:2) which indeed learns that we don't eat Matzah on Sukos from the
implication of the verses ("Chamishah Asar l'Chodesh ha*Zeh* Chag
ha'Matzos..." -- and the same for Chag ha'Sukos). I'm proud to be have been
Mechaven to the words of the Midrash.

Of course, when the Midrash tries to learn from a "Kal v'Chomer" that the
Matzah and Sukah should apply to both holidays, it must really be relying
on the Gezeirah Shavah that I mentioned, since there are Pirchos on the Kal
v'Chomer, as we wrote in our last correspondence.

M. Kornfeld

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