Hi everyone,
I am using the SDK v1.30 release on the DM6446, and none of the demos will run for me.
When I run the decode demo, I get the following error.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/dvsdk/dm6446# ./decode -v data/ davincieffect_ntsc.m2v
Decode demo started.
Decode Error: Failed to get the requested screen size: 720x480 at 16 bpp
Decode Error: Failed ioctl FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO on /dev/fb/0

Total I-frames: 1, P-frames: 2, B-frames: 0, IDR-frames: 0 rejected: 0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/opt/dvsdk/dm6446#

Similar errors occur with the other demos. I am currently using uBoot 1.1.3. The release notes for SDK 1.30 say that an upgrade to uBoot 1.2 is needed, but my DM6446 EVM will not boot with uBoot 1.2. It is unresponsive and I have to revert back to 1.1.3 with DVFlasher to get a proper boot. I'm not sure if these 2 problems are related. Could the version of uBoot affect FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO?

My boot-time video args are set as:
video = dm6446fb:vid0 = 720x480x16,2025K @0,0 :vid1=720x480,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0:osd0=720x480,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0:osd1=720x480,[EMAIL PROTECTED],0

Has anyone else bumped into this problem?


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