Thanks for this feedback.  I'll see what we can do with the docs.

We do document that the structs are extensible to some degree, but obviously 
it's not clear enough.  For example:

... includes the following description of the IVIDENC1_Params data type:

This structure may be extended by individual codec implementations allowing 
customization with vendor specific parameters. The presence of vendor specific 
extensions will be detected by the value of the size parameter.


From: Stephen Berry []
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:56 AM
To: Ring, Chris
Subject: Re: using extended params for MPEG4 encoding

Ring, Chris wrote:

Quick one... this comment may not be right:

I would be more than happy to use VIDENC1_create - but it
takes a param
structure of VIDENC1_Params - which doesn't support the extended
arguments that I'm trying to change.

So long as the extended fields are _scalars_ (e.g. not pointers), and the first 
.size field is correctly set, the VISA APIs (e.g. VIDENC1_create()) _do_ 
support extended create param structs.

This is described a little bit here, though the focus is on extending process() 
and control():


Silly me - I was reading the header files for the VIDENC1_create proto - it 
never mentioned you could pass it any other structure type.

Anyway - I passed it the extended params and remarkably it didn't blow up! Now 
I have more knobs to tweek.


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