On 07/20/10 19:20, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 07:50:16PM +0200, Jens Rehsack wrote:
Hi Tim,

yesterday after updating the pkgsrc packages around DBI while having
picknick at the event Cologne lights up


If someone wants to visit next year (or another), I would be glad to
guide a tour in Cologne.

I had an idea
(nothing new, nothing great): how about to unbundle some Bundle:* packages.

I can imagine at least 2:
1) Bundle::DBD::DBM
   - requires DB_File and BerkeleyDB
   - requires MLDBM, MLDBM::Serializer::JSON and YAML::MLDBM
   - requires SQL::Statement
2) Bundle::DBI
   - requires Bundle::DBD::DBM
   - requires up-to-date DBD::MultiPlex
   - requires RPC::PlServer and Net::Daemon

I'd be happy to see the single Bundle refactored into multiple bundles.

Refactor? It looks to me as the module Bundle::DBI should be extracted
into an own distribution and a new distribution for Bundle::DBD::DBM
should be created.

The targetted goal of my proposal is to enable users of CPAN to install
DBI and required modules with one command (install Bundle::DBI), or if
the don't need the entire bundle, just the bundle they need
(Bundle::DBD::DBM or Bundle::DBD::Proxy).

Both could reside in the same subversion repository as DBI but
generate a different distfile and do extended tests.

I'm not so sure about generating multiple dists. Let's do the refactor
first and then discuss dists after that.

Well, I was talking about multiple dists in the first shot ...

Do you see any advantage of having Bundle::* modules in the DBI


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